Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Can u explain this.

the ranking is only for normal tariff PPD, your examples are nonsense

what is this ?
OMG, how'd you make 200 abuses in one month :O
Mine looks like this
Abuses for last month: 0, week: 0, day: 0. Total: 0
Both on Shareflare and Letitbit
Shareflare please respond, what's wrong with convert system? My account lord.korolev(at)gmail(dot)com. It has been over two days without any succesful convertion.

I upload 4 files of 250mb for video.
1 user watch the videos, I do not earn any money.
1 user = unique viewings = 0.005 - traffic
1 user watching 4 videos of 250 mb = 0.005-traffic (traffic = 0.005) = 0 money

I don't like new rules

change please.
Its already 20 days that videos arent working!

Please, tell us when it will be probably repaired if you care about customers..
Hello From today I moved a 99% sales rate but I do not correctly accounted for. Statistics says $ 2.32 but actually shows me $ 6.18
Check this out.

nothing converts and now more files are gone.... I think it is getting worse and worse... any hope one day will be fixed whole letitbit?
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