Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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8 premium sales 27,42 usd
5 sales 10 usd What is problem?

I didn't receive payment because of the limit of my WM account.
Please return it back to my account in letitbit so I can request it again the next time
Account ID [25483372 | percent]

what is the limit is it per month how much

problem with torrent can you fix it says uploading but nothing happens then just goes back in queue

Added after 1 50 minutes:

@forumvakti signing up by your own ref link is not allowed
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we do not make payments on Saturdays and Sundays and on public holidays in Russia. Monday was a holiday in Russia, all payments will be made today, sorry for the delay
i have registered many accounts in tariff turba but u locked them all
can i register anew one turba and i'll own ti only ??
but it will be from my ip
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