Premium - Virtual Private Servers from $20/mo! (Europe)


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KnownSRV offers top-notch VPS packages that are generous in both space and bandwidth. We guarantee trouble free service and peace of minds for hosting your websites. We utilize the latest virtualisation technology to give you the power to fully customise your own environment.

Why Us?
- Fast and stable network
- Secure servers
- Privacy guaranteed!
- 99.9% uptime
- 24/7/365 e-mail support
- Our own RIPE approved IP ranges
- Quality server grade hardware
- Competitive pricing
- No overselling
- Realistic package specifications vs price
- Unlimited OS Reinstalls
- Full root access
- SolusVM Control Panel to manage your VPS(reboot, reinstall, console access etc)
- Custom rDNS
- TUN/TAP/PPP supported
- 7 day money-back guarantee

Our Hardware and Network
We use only server grade HP-branded hardware. Our servers run on Intel E3-1240 and 4x SAS 15k RPM drives in hardware RAID10(with BBU!) which guarantees fantastic performance and data integrity. Our network contains only the best connections available. The network is fully built from redundant enterprise Cisco, Juniper and Brocade network equipment which allows us to guarantee 99.9% uptime.

AS3257 (TiNET / GTT)
AS2914 (NTT)
AS6461 (Zayo)
AS6762 (Seabone)
AS9031 (EDPnet)
AS174 (Cogent)
AS33926 (Kaia Global)
Internet Exchanges
Multiple private peers

Why make the move to KnownSRV Solutions?
Great pricing - We may not be the cheapest, but our prices are extremely reasonable, just remember that quality comes at a price, and we provide it at affordable prices.

Security/Efficiency - Problems can occur at any time, some of which cannot be helped, but we here at KnownSRV have systems in place to detect the most common problems before they even occur, and put that together with our highly dedicated experienced staff and we are able to provide secure, efficient services.

Dedication to our customers - We value every one of our customers, without customers we wouldn't have a successful business like we do today, which is why we provide our full dedication and focus towards our customers, to ensure that they are taken care of and are given the best service possible.

No Prism, no Patriot Act
Your security and privacy are our top priorities. We have both technical and legal systems in place which allow us to protect your business and privacy. We respect net neutrality and freedom of speech. We will not suspend your site only because someone doesn't like your content or has a personal beef with you.

Managed Services
KnownSRV is a well known managed provider. While we manage your servers free of charge, the service also includes custom server setups such as full security, installing nginx or Varnish in front of Apache for serving/caching static content in order to improve your loading speeds / performance. Need your server perfectly secured or/and optimizated for heavy traffic sites? No worries!

VPS Packages
Please take a look at our VPS packages and addons at:
KnownSRV | Secure, Quality, and Fast Hosting Solutions

Supported Payment Methods:
We currently accept PayPal, Skrill, PayZa, WebMoney, BitCoins, PerfectMoney. If you do not have any of the payment methods mentioned, feel free to contact us to find out if any other method can be arranged.

We prepared amazing discounts which will be valid 2 months from now. There won't be a better time to get a service from KnownSRV.
wjunction - 50% off first month on all shared hosting / VPS services.
10off - 10% reccuring/lifetime discount on all shared hosting / VPS services

We hope you will consider buying from us. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Many Thanks
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Good VPS, i am using for my blog

thank you

Thanks. It's a pleasure having you as a client.

Im sure that submitting a support ticket would get you a faster response ;)

Im looking at a VPS now, do you have any other locations apart from NL and usa?

I'm afraid we don't. We will stick to virtual servers in the Netherlands and USA as we can get the best hardware, quality bandwidth and offer the best deals from there. There is no point expanding to third world countries from countless reasons.

Well knownSRV have best support i have ever seen
after facing so many problems with other vps providers
i feel like im home now

ty guys


Thanks. Let us know if you need further help.

PMED..... Waiting For Reply.......

Is there any FAQ for Newbies? I dont want always contact the Support. And i dont know how so setup my Forum...I have changed the Nameservers, now my Domain is unavailabe, if i go to the Temp Url, there is only a default Kloxo Page (but i have uploaded some Files). :(

I like your Company, so i will stay for long if someone can help me a little bit.
just created a ticket (ID: 778743), pls take a look. Thanks

It's answered already.

Is there any FAQ for Newbies? I dont want always contact the Support. And i dont know how so setup my Forum...I have changed the Nameservers, now my Domain is unavailabe, if i go to the Temp Url, there is only a default Kloxo Page (but i have uploaded some Files). :(

I like your Company, so i will stay for long if someone can help me a little bit.

Your ticket was also answered and DNS configured for you.

Great servers!
Are there any deals running right now?
I'm thinking about getting a 2nd server..

Glad you like our servers. We currently have wht25 and 10off coupons available.

Available Operating Systems:
Linux(32bit and 64bit)
CentOS 4
CentOS 5
Debian 4
Debian 5
Fedora 12
Fedora 13
Suse 11
Ubuntu 9
Ubutnu 10

Is There Windows OS ?!

I made an Order by VPS Plan of 19$/month

but i need it to be Windows OS

Invoice #1976
as you can see theres no windows in that list - so probably no windows will be offered with vps ;) you already ordered knowing that you need windows? wouldn`t it be smarter to find it out before ordering?

We don't offer Windows publicly at this time. We have a Windows Node but it's only for managed business customers that pay for it(means no uploading etc).

Your payment will be refunded shortly.

EDIT: You didn't make the payment so I guess everything is ok.
The Support is awesome, really the fastest & best Support that i know. The Servers are also great, good Speed.

Its to bad that there is a Proplem with XenForo & Kloxo. :'(:'(
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i would to purchase
but have some a question?
1. How do you handle DMCA complain?
2. i would host my wordpress site, it host from other hosting company but not using cpanel as control panel , would you help us moving the site?
3. I would to purchase this package , if later i need more ram , can i upgrade ?
4. do you help us install the programs? like

        • LAME MP3 Encode
        • Libogg
        • Mencoder
        • Flvtool2
        • FFmpeg
        • Libvorbis
5. and what time support online?

thanks you , sorry if i asking to much