Knowinservers - Offline problems again

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@aapkae: No problem... Giving my signature under your words.

People just don't see the difference between customer related problems or by providers. That's something we (customers) can't fix, but our service provider MUST. In our case that's Knowinservers, in Knowinservers case that's netdirekt. Or should we talk with netdirekt in name of Knowinservers? Bullshit.
offcourse not.
But then we have only 2 options, either refund or shift .
nothing else, even you should understand ....
Honestly, why I don't want to shift? Because it's $25 for VPS in NL which is like $5 cheaper than if it's hosted by leaseweb themself.
I have to say that I have been having MAJOR issues with the I/O count on the nodes slowing everything down. This needs to be sorted asap as currently it's not usable. This has nothing to do with the DC and i'm sure it can be sorted (i.e upgrade the disks to high speed 15k RPM)

Not sure if you know what such a trunk costs? They would have to multiply their prices with 4 to be able to provide that.
hurm, i got infraction before because reply on other thread about knowinserver.That thread also complaint about knowinserver, im just say "knowinserver speed so bad" then i got infraction.Well, i think this thread is clear now about KNOWINSERVER.
im ordered dedi before, well just make it simple zfvu.If u not satisfied, knowinserver already ask u for refund.Just accept it then ask Mod for close thread.
i totally disagree :)
i have got NL Vps and using sborg on it..its working flawlessly on it..

will try rapidleech also! and show u the screenshots of the speeds..

I am loving
BTW i knew abt german vps it had some issues, so i selected NL VPS :)

Knowinservers is best :) if u know whats good for u and whts not :-p
no, this is a VPS, each container is seperate, however I pointed out that their I/O count is running like a bitch and that's whats slowing everything down. but I was ignored
Nick your issue is not being ignored mate , We just can not change the hard disk's in 1 night.

We are already in talk with the data-center for it.
I have a vps in german.It downtimes but its a good service.I use for sborg and torrents and works very well.I try other vps and for the price of this vps is the better relation quality/price.
zfvu if they really have that much downtime, then i suggest you to change the server to some other, because that much downtime can really hurt your site... that's one of the worst things which can happen, that much offline time. you need a stable server. ;)

+ for offshore go with a nl or hk server. DE is never 100% for offshore if you ask me.

@indahouse what will this help you? if it's good service if it's offline that much time. :S it's ok i guess if you are an uploader... but if you have a website and what to make something out of it... then you just need a stable online server.
They way way oversell their hardware to the point their I/O count is so high they crash, I reported this problem AND told them how to fix it! and the response I got was " Alright I'll keep that in mind ".

They way way oversell their hardware to the point their I/O count is so high they crash, I reported this problem AND told them how to fix it! and the response I got was " Alright I'll keep that in mind ".

Dude, Just get lost..
You dnt have any right to comment on this thread.
This thread is for our customers and you are not one of them.

To the people the story goes like this...
This guy emailed me..
To Whom it may concern,

My name is xxxxx, Director of Online Innovations Networks Ltd. We are currently seeking investors to launch a new Data Centre in The Netherlands. Please could I ask somebody with the authority to talk about the development and expansion of to add me on skype: ben.yates where I would like to give you a breif overview of the project and how you can get involved.

Many Thanks,

Which is complete bull shit, and next over the skype
he asks me for a VPS so that he can start a web hosting company in return of xrummer license... ROFL

So, a Kind Hearted member :P
i decided to help him, and i said that i do not need anything in return
but if you earn and you prosper, i would be glad.

But to my surprise, he went on bitching about our services lol...
Saying we over sell our resources, which we do not.

We Put 15 Users on our Netherlands node,
and provide Gbit dedicated bandwidth for 25$
So 15 users per node is perfectly fine for it,
if you need better I/O and less number of users, pay and get a better server... <_<
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