- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

If there is no "shaving mode" like you claim then im sorry to say this but it looks like nobody likes your services anymore.Bcz nowadys is nearly impossible to get sales for your affiliates.If something doesnt change very soon your service will die.

sure just test it and let us know the results :)
there is no "shaving" mode and never will be.
sure just test it and let us know the results :)
there is no "shaving" mode and never will be.

Thanks your for informing us NEW MODERATOR. Do you have authorization to access to Admin panel of system? Did you see if there is a shaving mode in settings with your eyes or not?

You can see there is SHAVING MODE in SibSoft's products (XFileSharing,XImageSharing,XVideoSharing) :

But in my previous message, I want to tell something. Maybe there is a system problem with receiving sales, maybe there is some problem on your system with tracking sales...etc.

Because people work harder but sales drop.

Really k2s programmers are smart, I appreciate. They built system amazingly good. So I believe that they can do everything what they want.
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Another user of mine claiming he re-subscribed (he had previously subscribed and i saw the payment) but now i cannot see the payment. Admin of K2S says they will no longer track particular sales on request so there's no way for me to know if this user is lying or k2s system is broken. I honestly don't see why he would be lying though, he subscribed 3 months with me earlier and enjoyed it, now his 3 months are up and his membership expired, and he resubscribes and i cannot see the sale.

If k2s refuses to track individual sales when requested i don't see why you don't develop a better system so we can track user sales our selves, it would be super easy to code and zero risk of giving away any "crucial or real life identifying information". Simply attach an userid to each user (most likely already there) display it somewhere in your settings, and let us affiliates see user ID on the purchase/sales tab.. there you go, then we could easily track sales.. no need for rocket science.

The way i understand it is that admin don't have time to answer all these requests about who bought on what file, then please let us do this on our own, i'd be more then happy to! My system is about as good as its going to get without actual help from k2s opening up and letting us track our sales better, whats the point of not letting us see our sales, why keep us in the dark? If i cannot ask about particular sales i will ask the user to unsubscribe and try again until i see the sale, needless to say this isn't a good way to treat customers but honestly the problem isn't on my side, the ball is in your court k2s!
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March 27 2016 I requested 99$ and I receive 94$ after deduction of 5$ but with my last requested payout which is again 99$ requested on May 15 2016 it shows 94$ that I requested after deduction of 5$. So I assume that I will get 94$ but today when I check my paypal there is again -4.44$ fee deducted.

Before this when I request my last two payout I request some amount after that fee has been deducted and what I see the amount after fee deducted I receive that amount.

So Please clarify Jeff why 9.44$ deducted
All fee overcharges was refunded.

Another user of mine claiming he re-subscribed (he had previously subscribed and i saw the payment) but now i cannot see the payment. Admin of K2S says they will no longer track particular sales on request so there's no way for me to know if this user is lying or k2s system is broken. I honestly don't see why he would be lying though, he subscribed 3 months with me earlier and enjoyed it, now his 3 months are up and his membership expired, and he resubscribes and i cannot see the sale.

We just check this sale. It is counted to you. (2016-05-18 02:21:18)
Milan will give you more information.
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I got the message from Milan, thanks... i would however wish you could give us an better way to track our sales, when user claims he purchased (on another file) there's room for confusion! A simple userID connection would be very handy, user can provide me with their ID, i can see user ID
XCOLVE's problem has been fixed and his sale is added to his accoutn. But what will happen if there is same problem with our accounts? After reporting sale problem, sale is counted and added to account. What a pitty! How will we know if there is sale which not counted? Maybe shaving mode is synchronized with account's ratio.

I say again. There is still problem with tracking sales or counting sales to accounts.
^ XCOLVE's sale was there, but he didn't know it was THAT sale. No sale was added to his account. :facepalm:
Stop spreading nonsense please. Thanks
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XCOLVE's problem has been fixed and his sale is added to his accoutn. But what will happen if there is same problem with our accounts? After reporting sale problem, sale is counted and added to account. What a pitty! How will we know if there is sale which not counted? Maybe shaving mode is synchronized with account's ratio.

I say again. There is still problem with tracking sales or counting sales to accounts.

not true, the sale was already there, i just couldn't verify that it was the correct sale, the user said he purchased on a different file and having a ton of fakers coming from all angles trying to sneak by it can get confusing. No reason to put on a foil hat here friends, there's no signs of any cheating, i'm simply just requesting a way for me to track my subscribers easier so i don't need so much hand holding from k2s as i know it gets annoying.
i'm simply just requesting a way for me to track my subscribers easier so i don't need so much hand holding from k2s as i know it gets annoying.

The solution to this thing you are asking, mate, would be the 'Track Sales" option that many users asked about 3 weeks ago here in K2S topic.

In this way, many doubts and misunderstandings would be solved. We all would feel better to know when a user tries to buy premium from our links and which method he used (eg Mastercard/Visa/Webmoney etc).

Even if the transaction would fail, at least we would get more motive if we know downloaders like our material by trying to buy premium from our links even if the transaction would fail for some reason. :)

But this feature is only up to K2S, if they will add this feature or not!
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XCOLVE's problem has been fixed and his sale is added to his accoutn. But what will happen if there is same problem with our accounts? After reporting sale problem, sale is counted and added to account. What a pitty! How will we know if there is sale which not counted? Maybe shaving mode is synchronized with account's ratio.

I say again. There is still problem with tracking sales or counting sales to accounts.

not true, the sale was already there, i just couldn't verify that it was the correct sale, the user said he purchased on a different file and having a ton of fakers coming from all angles trying to sneak by it can get confusing. No reason to put on a foil hat here friends, there's no signs of any cheating, i'm simply just requesting a way for me to track my subscribers easier so i don't need so much hand holding from k2s as i know it gets annoying.

there is something wrong thats 100% ,its impossible not to get sales with files which are popular and rare, also this files giving me almost daily sales ,but in last month only 2 sales from that content. its impossible....
about your system ,i got this system on my website 1-2 years back and it was clearly that site sales are not counted corectly. also never got a compensation for the lost site sales. i talking about publish2me ,it was alowed to post only on your own site, i got sales there ,but sometimes the site sale was not counted ,only the sale. all my publish2me files was posted only on my own website. i dont say there is a cheating ,but maybe problem with the paygate for some countries.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]What are you on about, buddy? [/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"People work harder but sales drop" ... You do realize that not every person ever has the need to buy premium accounts? When a service is new, there are many sales but after some point the demand is met and the sales are not there.[/FONT]

you can see on your unique downloads,how your files are popular. there are more unique downloads and 70% drop in sales. how is it?
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i'm simply just requesting a way for me to track my subscribers easier so i don't need so much hand holding from k2s as i know it gets annoying.

The solution to this thing you are asking, mate, would be the 'Track Sales" option that many users asked about 3 weeks ago here in K2S topic.

In this way, many doubts and misunderstandings would be solved. We all would feel better to know when a user tries to buy premium from our links and which method he used (eg Mastercard/Visa/Webmoney etc).

Even if the transaction would fail, at least we would get more motive if we know downloaders like our material by trying to buy premium from our links even if the transaction would fail for some reason. :)

But this feature is only up to K2S, if they will add this feature or not!

It would be great if user also receive the actual link through which he buy the premium account. And agree with you sales track should be added now i.e. by which way buyer purchase the premium account (eg Mastercard/Visa/Webmoney etc).