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they are trusted in paying soon you get paid.. we all have financial problems in our life. maybe they invest there earning money in some other buisneses & now they have only got money which they are using to pay us.

Also i saw many filehost paying like 12-15 days late then MoneyPlatform

But now days i notice with sales K2S is not profitable. After appears sales are fucked up for me :(

I mean I'm not an uploader who only earn 20$ to 60$ a day i use to reach 3 times atleast 100$ mark a day but now for a month i did not reach my 100$ mark

I'm loosing interest with K2S but anyways what ever situation happen they will pay on time
for those having delay / late payout must read this in payment section

[FONT=&quot]Payouts will be made within 5 days after you submit a request.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]After approval of your request, you will receive the money in 1-3 working days later.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Since we use exchanger help to pay you.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]No payout after 5 days? Contact [/FONT]your Affilate Manager[FONT=&quot].[/FONT]
They approved my payout request without sending the money!

so they giving me fake "[FONT=&quot]Approved" Status ... I sent them two emails but got no replay ....i sent Jeff the Details hope he will fix that.[/FONT]
hey relax, there's been delays before nothing to worry about.

Added after 3 minutes:

for those having delay / late payout must read this in payment section

[FONT=&amp]Payouts will be made within 5 days after you submit a request.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]After approval of your request, you will receive the money in 1-3 working days later.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Since we use exchanger help to pay you.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]No payout after 5 days? Contact [/FONT]your Affilate Manager[FONT=&amp].[/FONT]

Yeah my sales have dropped too with the not sure if its because of that or something else who knows... but i for sure don't think it was a good idea for k2s to invest in video hosting and auto thumb generation, i mean who is that going to benefit? We have all figured out ways to generate our own previews and are well situated with that, if the auto generation of previews came out 2011 maybe they would have had an advantage but right now i don't see it.
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I made a payout request to bitcoin and they gave me fake "Approved" Status, they "Approved" my request without sending any bitcoin... five days now and i got no response from them .....if they will just ignore me then i will work with another host
I tried signing up to join the affiliate program, sent an email asking for more space and showing stats from other hosts....
I guess I didnt get approved or they just dont care since they never replied, its been 3 weeks so I use another host instead.