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Here is your avatar I just have to pop out for 20 minutes and I will finish the rest:

Thanks for your request here it is I'm just hoping it goes well with your background:


Dude Very much Thanks But Can You Make width of this logo bit long So that the text comes to centre and can you make it bit decorative
You cec to my site i have applied YOUR BANNER
hey mate.. i need a header banner of 720 x90 size

the site is

"Spiciest Movies and Games DOwnloadS - SinglE LinkS"

u can put up pics of movies/games.,,, possible use flames around the text

can u make one for me.... ??

+ a little attractive :P bcz i am gona give this banner for advertising in some other adspots for 20$/month.....just need people to be attracted so that they click and check it out :P :sun:
Dude Very much Thanks But Can You Make width of this logo bit long So that the text comes to centre and can you make it bit decorative
You cec to my site i have applied YOUR BANNER

Moving the Banner to the right would be your side of thing's.

I can try but I doubt I could because I don't do Banners very well

Ya Sure ... Whos Telling your banners are not good

Your Banners rocks man
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