Is there anyway to avoid de-indexing from DMCA?

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i have 2 sites de-indexed from google for the past couple of years.. counter dmca / removing content etc didn't work :(
Your questions seems confusing but oh well ill answer both things

1) When google deindexes/blacklists a whole site you can ask for reindexing again and google doesnt blacklist sites due to dmca it only blacklists them if they contain malware or if they are free domain sites like it has deindexed co(dot)cc and (dot)tk
2) Regarding the deindexing of pages, those pages are removed from search due to dmca that google receives and google only removes the ones that have been reported to it and it doesnt remove those that are not reported
So to make it simple other sites that are shown in the results are not yet reported and there is no way u can reindex the page itself until or unless it doesnt have any material that will cause dmca
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