Interest check: fully automated tv/movie remote upload & link submission script

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I've working on a little pet project the past few days because I got bored. Since streaming content seems to be quite popular, and since I'm not an uploader myself (or a streaming site owner for that matter) I've been wondering if I should develop it into a real script.

The concept is fairly simple:

  1. periodically check for new releases/content (tv series, movies, adult videos)
  2. find links for them (ie openload) and remote upload them to your account
  3. submit your new links to a bunch of streaming sites
  4. repeat the process

The idea is that this would generate easy 100% passive income. And since it uses remote upload you wouldn't need a RDP/VPS. But it's written in Python so you could easily run it remotely if needed. So, would anyone be interested in this? Or if you have any additional suggestions or ideas I'd interested in hearing them :).

Nope. I was aware of that thread but unless I am missing something it's nothing like the script I'm working on. First this is a Theme+bot for a WP streaming site. The thing I'm working on does not require running, growing and maintaining a site and all the risks that come with that from a legal perspective. Secondly that looks expensive as fuck lol. Thirdly, and most importantly, the bot shown there looks really basic and uses Selenium which is incredibly slow/inefficient since it's basically sending commands to a browser. It also doesn't look like it's completely autopilot. And finally it only grabs stuff from fmovies and submits it to your site.

Again, maybe I'm missing something but that doesn't sound like what I described above:

- monitor 'sources' for new releases (movies, episodes, etc), these can be pre-release (ie IRC channels). This is implemented as 'Scraper' plugins
- feed these releases to 'link providers' - basically plugins that will search for existing links for these new releases.
- remote-upload the links to these new releases to your account.
- now submit your links to a ton of targets (such as popular streaming sites). This functionality is implemented as plugins too, called 'link submitters'.
- repeat

You run the script and it does the above non-stop. You don't have to do anything else except for request a payout from videohost affiliate program every so often lol. It's like bitcoin mining minus the expensive investment and power bill. I'll probably make a video once I finish the engine and the first Scraper/LP/LS plugins.
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Haha, thanks

Nope. I was aware of that thread but unless I am missing something it's nothing like the script I'm working on. First this is a Theme+bot for a WP streaming site. The thing I'm working on does not require running, growing and maintaining a site and all the risks that come with that from a legal perspective. Secondly that looks expensive as fuck lol. Thirdly, and most importantly, the bot shown there looks really basic and uses Selenium which is incredibly slow/inefficient since it's basically sending commands to a browser. It also doesn't look like it's completely autopilot. And finally it only grabs stuff from fmovies and submits it to your site.

Again, maybe I'm missing something but that doesn't sound like what I described above:

- monitor 'sources' for new releases (movies, episodes, etc), these can be pre-release (ie IRC channels). This is implemented as 'Scraper' plugins
- feed these releases to 'link providers' - basically plugins that will search for existing links for these new releases.
- remote-upload the links to these new releases to your account.
- now submit your links to a ton of targets (such as popular streaming sites). This functionality is implemented as plugins too, called 'link submitters'.
- repeat

You run the script and it does the above non-stop. You don't have to do anything else except for request a payout from videohost affiliate program every so often lol. It's like bitcoin mining minus the expensive investment and power bill. I'll probably make a video once I finish the engine and the first Scraper/LP/LS plugins.

Your idea sounds great! But it will be very difficult to implement, unless you're just doing something like a DDL website. Where you're scraping download links, title and nothing else. Which is not what a lot of people want. 99% of newer streaming sites are using the same few sets of WordPress themes. So you will really have to accommodate a lot of specific theme functions into your scripts/bots posting structure if you want customers who are inclined to purchase.

As for your comments about Selenium. I think that's a tad brash, and unwarranted. Python + Selenium is required for this task. You need a GUI to scrape these embed links. Your idea might work without it, because you're just scraping text from an IRC, and not curling a page.

Some benefits to python + selenium is that it's easy to setup, uses almost no resources on clients CPU; and works universally on almost all operating systems.

Your idea sounds great though. If you can offer it for a cheaper price, with all these functions that are absolutely automated. Then more power to you!
Your idea sounds great! But it will be very difficult to implement, unless you're just doing something like a DDL website. Where you're scraping download links, title and nothing else. Which is not what a lot of people want. 99% of newer streaming sites are using the same few sets of WordPress themes. So you will really have to accommodate a lot of specific theme functions into your scripts/bots posting structure if you want customers who are inclined to purchase.

It doesn't need anything more than this to get the job done:

Ugh, again, this script is not targeting website owners. That's not to say people wouldn't be able to use it to submit to their site if they have one - all it takes is a LS plugin for that site. But that's not the target audience. This is intended for people who want to make $$$ off affiliate programs for quite literally 0 effort/risk by just leaving the script running 24/7.

As for your comments about Selenium. I think that's a tad brash, and unwarranted.

There is a place for Selenium, but using it when the task could easily be achieved much more efficiently 100% in-script/app with regular ol' DOM parsing is not one of them. Back in the early days you had dudes using hidden Internet Explorer 6 GUI controls in VB6 for parsing pages *shivers*. It would infest people PC's with crapware (IE6 was really good at that let me tell you), load and execute all js, images, css etc just to extract a few strings out of a page or submit a form. It was both funny and sad. /end_rant

Python + Selenium is required for this task. You need a GUI to scrape these embed links. Your idea might work without it, because you're just scraping text from an IRC, and not curling a page.

That's funny. No. I'm going to take a wild guess and presume you draw this conclusion because your bot scrapes from fmovies, which is using some basic token-based anti-scraper protection thingy? Because if so, it's really easy to get around it. In my case I have a little function that grabs the link, which in turn calls a handy get_token function. Magic! Also the IRC thing was just an example because it allows you to detect releases before they posted and uploaded to all the major sites (hence, PRE-release). But that doesn't mean it can't scrape sites.

uses almost no resources on clients CPU;

It's loading and running an entire web browser on top of the actual script. It's the definition of wasting resources. Same thing with that steaming pile of garbage that is Electron. Here's what running an entire browser engine does to program efficiency:

Your idea sounds great though. If you can offer it for a cheaper price, with all these functions that are absolutely automated. Then more power to you!

Thanks :). You're probably seeing this as potential competition but from what I can tell you're offering a very different product/service for a different kind of audience. I doubt people are paying that kind of money just the get the fmovies scraper ;).
It doesn't need anything more than this to get the job done:

Ugh, again, this script is not targeting website owners. That's not to say people wouldn't be able to use it to submit to their site if they have one - all it takes is a LS plugin for that site. But that's not the target audience. This is intended for people who want to make $$$ off affiliate programs for quite literally 0 effort/risk by just leaving the script running 24/7.

As for your comments about Selenium. I think that's a tad brash, and unwarranted.

There is a place for Selenium, but using it when the task could easily be achieved much more efficiently 100% in-script/app with regular ol' DOM parsing is not one of them. Back in the early days you had dudes using hidden Internet Explorer 6 GUI controls in VB6 for parsing pages *shivers*. It would infest people PC's with crapware (IE6 was really good at that let me tell you), load and execute all js, images, css etc just to extract a few strings out of a page or submit a form. It was both funny and sad. /end_rant

Python + Selenium is required for this task. You need a GUI to scrape these embed links. Your idea might work without it, because you're just scraping text from an IRC, and not curling a page.

That's funny. No. I'm going to take a wild guess and presume you draw this conclusion because your bot scrapes from fmovies, which is using some basic token-based anti-scraper protection thingy? Because if so, it's really easy to get around it. In my case I have a little function that grabs the link, which in turn calls a handy get_token function. Magic! Also the IRC thing was just an example because it allows you to detect releases before they posted and uploaded to all the major sites (hence, PRE-release). But that doesn't mean it can't scrape sites.

uses almost no resources on clients CPU;

It's loading and running an entire web browser on top of the actual script. It's the definition of wasting resources. Same thing with that steaming pile of garbage that is Electron. Here's what running an entire browser engine does to program efficiency:

Your idea sounds great though. If you can offer it for a cheaper price, with all these functions that are absolutely automated. Then more power to you!

A lot of your post comes off passive aggressive. Not sure what I said to upset you.

As for your pitch here, maybe I misunderstood. Was under the impression this script was for farming and then publishing the scraped data to a specific source (i.e publishing posts to a streaming site). As for competition, i'm not particularly worried about it. A monopoly breeds complacency, so the more the merrier. The sole reason I started selling my bots was because there was no one in the market doing it for this specific niche. (Dooplay/Pysplay themes with Openload from a popular source).

I doubt people are paying that kind of money just the get the fmovies scraper ;).

I don't wish to argue semantics with you. I have a lot of customers from a few different websites. If someone else wants to come in and attempt to do it cheaper, then best of luck to them.
Re-reading what I wrote it does sound pretty passive aggressive. Sorry. I usually develop a bad mood and a need to rant when I'm tired. Code keeps me awake when I have a concept stuck in my hand that needs to get translated to 1's and 0's somehow lol.

Well, it does farm and publish scraped data but it doesn't submit it to a single site or target but many, each site being a plugin basically. The sites are sites that accept user provided content (links in this case). So it can be streaming sites, blogs, social media, ... Anything really. I guess the best way to think of it is SharpLeech+MultiPoster for videohost links, but fully autopilot, and a script instead of a GUI app.

The sole reason I started selling my bots was because there was no one in the market doing it for this specific niche. (Dooplay/Pysplay themes with Openload from a popular source).

That surprised me as well tbh. Streaming related stuff is the new rage. I haven't been active in the 'scene' for years but back when I was active it was still all warez forums + filehost (or ftp before that) link spam there were tons of bots there for that stuff. Ah, the good ol' days. A lot of the fun is gone. And to be honest I really hate the fact that warez is a valid business model these days. In fact, i really miss the days when you could just reverse-engineer generic_bot.exe and release it without the DRM/protection. There's something satisfying about releasing a warez/pirate app as warez lol. But... Here I go ranting again ^^.... Yup, time to get some sleep.
Both of you are very skilled coders, no need to get so opinionated, to each their own.

The animosity in this thread is overbearing from an outside perspective. One could presume a dick waving contest was about to commence, no offence intended but couldnt give a shit if taken.


P.S Vb6 tho [pokerface]

P.P.S interested ^_^

P.P.P.S Aww was hoping for some sleek fancy Hyperz GUI. At least my gf will think I am a 1337 hacker.. That is if I am privileged enough to obtain a copy [pokerface]
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But I've never designed an appealing GUI in my life hah. This wouldn't need one anyway since aside from the options there's not really anything the user can interact with. It's fire-and-forget. Plus I want it to be headless so you can throw it on a cheap VPS too.
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