- E3-1240 / 2 x E5-2670, 128GB RAM, 2Gbps/10Gbps (NL)

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Great Support and Great Speed.I highly Recommend InstantRDP to everyone who are looking for RDP and needs a reliable one. This is the right one to go and stick it for long time because me myself have been using this for almost 5months now and i always got good speed whether it comes to downloading/uploading/raring thing.

Long Live InstantRDP and it's Support..:)
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All tickets are replied within 1-2 hours, so no need of replying here.
Even if you reply, it won't help in speeding up , the time taken to solve that will still the same.

Guys please use the NL RDP server wisely. 2 files to download. 1 compression at a time.

Someone is getting on my nerves.
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Your account was suspended due to payment overdue. But now that payment is done, we've reactivated that.
Next time pay your invoice before its overdue to avoid suspension and/or termination of services.
I was behind on my payment, but I have got it payed now. i still receive the "Connection denied, You are not authorized for remote login" message when trying to connect.

Invoice #1513
I was behind on my payment, but I have got it payed now. i still receive the "Connection denied, You are not authorized for remote login" message when trying to connect.

Sorry to say, but we are strict about payments. That's how we keep our service of high quality.

I can see your account has been already activated.
Reason for deactivation is same as -

Invoice #1513

@Money this thing get solved in Support tickets. No need to point out here :)

Yeah, right.
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