IMG.YT - Earn up to $6/1000 views by sharing images - Adult/Clean

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THE Bull

Herd Leader

Hello WJ members,

I'd like to announce that newly established image host is ready for use. With us, you're able to make up to $6 dollars on 1000 unique visits. All you have to do is upload images, share them and start making profit! Our job is to keep our host clean, stable and available for new members!


  • Unlimited image storage - We provide you unlimited storage & bandwidth to your images.
  • Images stored indefinite - All images you upload to our servers are stored on indefinite time (excluding copyright infringing images and other images that violates our Terms of Use)
  • Multiple image upload - You are able to upload unlimited number of pictures via AJAX. Up to 150 images per page.
  • Multiple remote URL uploads - Multiple remote URL upload giving you opportunity to upload up to 50 images from remote servers.

Affiliate program:

Our affiliate program is based on paying you for every new visitor that you bring to us. Please find bellow more information.


TIER 1 - $6 per 1000 unique views
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United States, United Kingdom

TIER 2 - $1.3 per 1000 unique views
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden & Switzerland

TIER 3 - $0.2 per 1000 unique views
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia & Turkey

TIER 4 - $0.1 per 1000 unique views
All countries not listed in above tiers are included.

Payout information:
  • Payments are processed every week on Wednesday & Friday.
  • Payouts are processed via Paypal, Skrill & Payoneer*. We have plan to add Webmoney & Payza in near future.
  • Minimum payout threshold is $2 . Meaning once you earn $2 you are eligible to request payout via account affiliate page.

* - If you're requesting payout via Payoneer, minimum request is $20.

Frequently asked questions:

Q: How do you count our earnings?
A: Our system counts 1 view per IP on 24 hours period.
Q: What type of images are not allowed?
A: We STRICTLY do not allow any images contain sexual scenes with underage models or animals! Users who upload this material will be permanently banned! Images that contain copyright content will be removed after takedown notice we receive from original authors or agents representing authors.
Q: How long are images stored?
A: As we've stated above, all images are stored indefinitely. Images that violate our Terms of Use will be removed. Images that receive takedown notices will also be removed after we review the case.
Q: Why is your account banned?
A: We do not like banning our users and that's something we try not to do. However, if you have uploaded C.P. images or images that contains sexual scene with animals, or you're using artificially brought views (using autosurfers/hits, proxies etc), you will get permanent ban.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask in this thread, via pm or email.

Register with us and start making money!

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Sorry for taking long. All accounts has been approved. We will credit some of them with sign up bonus tomorrow (since I'm drunk now :) )
Sorry, could you please explain what do you consider by fake stats? If you're considering that we're advertising fake affiliate tiers, than you're most definitely wrong. As we've mentioned, you're being counted for every unique visitor you bring, but our Statistics page at account panel shows you all views (non-unique) so this may be confusing.

If you're affiliate balance shows you positive balance, but you haven't started working, than this is because we've credited some members with small sign-up bonus.

Please let me know if you have anymore questions.

Thanks a lot @matijasevic

@rapzkylim - You're welcome.

EDIT: I've just activated affiliate (no need to request approval) for any future registrations. We will be also reconfiguring whole image stats system, since it's county every views, which in future will only count unique views /24h.
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Unfortunately kemalettin67, at the moment, Turkey is not profitable enough to get that kind of CPM. But we will try to find a new advertising network that will be able to provide higher rates for Turkey and other low-tier countries.

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