Imagehyper - Earn Up to 1.50$ Per 1000 views (ALL countries Paid!)

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I'm posting this because I know alot of people look for good paying image hosts, and Imagehyper is one of those! Below is taken from their FAQ:

"Our service is the highest paying image host on the market, and we pay for ALL countries! Payouts are as follows (per 1000 views):
1.50$ United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia
0.90$ Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Greece,Ireland, Iceland, Lichenstein, Luxembourg, France, New Zealand
0.10$ Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, India, Denmark,Hong Kong, Monaco
0.02$ All other countries"

"you can request a payment once you reach 5$, not including the earnings from today (for security reasons). When you reach the minimum payout, a new button will appear in your earnings page, allowing you to "request" a payment to the staff."

"We currently support Paypal™ , Webmoney™ and Moneybookers™"

I have made over $60.00 already, and others have made over $200.00 using Imagehyper, so if you are looking for one of the highest paying image hosts then Imagehyper is for you!

They also support Zip Upload, and Upload from URL or from your computre!

I should also add, you can upload Family Safe OR AdultXXX Images. Either or, its your call :)

Here is my 4th Payment Proof for those who want to see it:

Third Payment Proof:

Second Payment Proof:

First Payment Proof:

Posting of referral links is forbidden and considered spam. <_<

I don't see how it can be considered "Spam"... I joined because I thought the site was cool and would be fun to be apart of. I don't consider it "Spam", only because I wanted to share a cool site with you all, and do plan to hang around and be an active part of this site!

Sorry but referral links are not allowed. Your link has been edited.


alrighty then... If the rules were posted in this forum I would of avoided doing that... But honestly, I don't see how a ref link hurts anyone. Unless someone could get butt hurt over making money for someone else. <_<

Anyways, I'll just keep looking around and talking 8-)
None of your images work. I tried clicking one to see if it was a thumbnail problem, but I don't have all the time in the world to see if it will ever load the page.

But to comment on the scam thing, maybe you broke the TOS? Maybe they pay out smaller accounts and scam some larger ones. I know lib3rty1 does quite a few views. There is no straight cut way to sum it up.
None of your images work. I tried clicking one to see if it was a thumbnail problem, but I don't have all the time in the world to see if it will ever load the page.

But to comment on the scam thing, maybe you broke the TOS? Maybe they pay out smaller accounts and scam some larger ones. I know lib3rty1 does quite a few views. There is no straight cut way to sum it up.

It looks like the site might have gone down, tho I just got the main page to load. This kind of stuff happens all the time on the interwebs.
Woot! That's what I like to hear Tattoo.

But everyone will have a different opinion. My rates may be a bit lower, but I don't skim, count all views and sometimes even give cheaters another chance. There have been very very few people I did not pay.

All and all, just don't look at the tier 1 pay rate and make a decision on that when looking at an image host. I don't know anything about this image host, so no comment on them.
my payment

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