I want to start a website or wordpress porn site..

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Active Member
i know a little bit about wordpress install..

but i dont want my site to be hijack or something...I heard some sites now are being hacked when using wordpress.

anyone can please give me tips about it also about DMCA and private domain or hosting to avoid copyright??..

please guide me..
firstly use good antivirus with firewall.
secondly do not store passwords in pc, use alpha and numerical long pass
Buy hosting from trusted hoster.
Dont share info or passwords to other, better make demo accounts with limited access.
Use only default wordpress site for plugins, dont use untrusted sources because they may be infected.
Chmod files folder as they has to be, dont mess permissions.
Buy domain from dcma fbi unreachable sellers.
Use only checked plugins.
i have read some sites thread here that has been hacked before...

and the hacker put something on the welcome page..puttting his own logo hacker..

I did also some search in google that there is a easy way for wordpress to be hacked..

I dont really know what to believe.

anyway thanks anthony for replying in my post.im really searching for someone replies here..it helps me
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i know a little bit about wordpress install..

but i dont want my site to be hijack or something...I heard some sites now are being hacked when using wordpress.

WP requires some knowledge about XHTML, HTML, CSS and PHP. If you know this languages this script is for you, You can customize it practically any way you like :)
When you install WP you must also install plenty of WP plugins ;)

WP is great, I love it <3
Wordpress is very safe.
Also for DMCA's use offshore hosting to avoid them. The best countries would be: Russia, Hong Kong, Ukraine, ect.

But not 100%, it's open source so you would've to make it secure on your own.. Make sure you get the latest version of wp whenever it is available and always make a backup ftw
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