I want to start a hosting company.I have few questions?

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Active Member
I want to start a hosting company and i have a few questions.I am a newbie so many of my questions might seem like ABC to u but still pls help me.
1)After getting a WHM for my servers where do i get a Client Area script?
2(If the script is available in the WHM itself how do i install it to my domain.
3)If i want to add more servers how do i do so?
Here are my answer .

1) For client area script - WHMCS ( http://whmcs.com/ )
2) There are free script but whmcs is ultimate.
3) Best start your business with reseller and buy servers when you grow.

Caution : You need to give more time and importance to your business nor you will vanish due to high competition.
Do some big research before you start, you can't run it with your current knowledge.

I completely agree.

I suggest WHT's forum they have a section all about starting up webhosts, get more knowledge and hire the right members of staff who are knowledgeable about the hosting industry.

best of luck!

Here are my answer .

1) For client area script - WHMCS ( http://whmcs.com/ )
2) There are free script but whmcs is ultimate.
3) Best start your business with reseller and buy servers when you grow.

Caution : You need to give more time and importance to your business nor you will vanish due to high competition.
thnx a lot
Do some big research before you start, you can't run it with your current knowledge.
ya i know i have barely invested 2$ in it till now.I want to do some research see a lot of other sites b4 i start
best for you start as reseller, you may end up paying lot $$$ in just management if you buy servers directly ,also note a decent server with whm may cost you atleast 150+$ and you may / will not get so many clients in same month so you may have to pay server bills from you own pocket for some months.
After reading your question, I highly recommend not to start this business.

You need a lot of experience before starting.

He'll gain experience only when he starts doing it mate :)
But yeah, sure u need to look up on these things, expand your knowledge base and learn b4 starting this project
Good luck to you.
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