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I have played many MMORPGS & I notice they all lack something, I want to build a MMORPG based around this one thing they lack & that is a Angel & Demon Class. I am looking for a group of people who can code, design, create, host, compose music, & a hacker. to make this idea a reality.

My main objective is to create a MMO that will be around forever, where those of you who would join me in making this possible live nice successful lives.

Here is my concept

A war has broken out between Heaven & Hell. The humans are in the middle of it, forced to pick a side they must choose who to fight for. The Angels who promise freedom from evil, harmony to all the worlds, & a age of tranquility or the Demons. Who promise power, riches, vanity & dominion of land to those who would join them. The theme of this MMO will be many varieties Modern Civilization/Magic/Futuristic/Medieval/Hellish/Holy/Primitive & many more.

I am hoping to get this going & follow Star Wars Galaxies concept of having multiple worlds, space, players being able to put their own buildings on the planets, tameable monsters, vehicles, space ships. & most importantly create our own economy within the game & community that we shall build all on our own as a team.

The options for exploring the worlds as far as traveling goes can be Land, Sea, Air, & Space.

I need a whole team that can collaborate & share knowledge with one another so we may all benefit in this development,

As far as classes go for the MMO it shall be split up between 2 factions like WoW

-Angel Faction-

-Demon Faction-

Those are the main classes that must be complete before the game launch.
These classes can be released after game launch & available to both factions, only certain ones will be available to either one faction or the other

Tech Ranger (A class that uses modern technology like guns, rifles, pistols etc)
Mechanic (A skilled builder that builds robots that can assist him, vehicles which only the Mechanic can build & sell to other players, Build a mobile suit only the Mechanic can pilot which will make him like a tank class)
Druid (Class that uses Nature & can shapeshift)
Pirates (A mix between a warrior & a range class that can build pirate ships)

-Angel Faction Only-
Holy Templar (Warrior/Mage)
Arcane Enchanter (A mage that uses arcane magic, can buff players, & enchant players weapons & armors)

-Demon Faction Only-
Demonic Berserker (Warrior/Rogue who builds rage by attacking)
Necromancer (A type of mage that can place curses, summon monsters, poison, & enchant players weapons & armors)

Player character limits I say we can start with 8 & allow players to purchase extra character slots a one time fee to expand them up to 16. As far as keeping money flowing. 90 Day Premium vanities, premium hair looks, 2 auction houses which one will use ingame currency & the other real money. Real Money auction house we shall take 10% of the sell & buy value after it successfully trades to the other person. No money shall be taken before the player puts it up in the auction house only after it is purchased by another player. x2 experience, maybe after game launch if we get big enough we can make our own serial cards like maplestory does with its NX Cash. We shall create our own system that will work similar to maplestory's NX shop the concept of the idea shall be similar but name wise of course will be different.

All updates to game, & expansions will be FREE there will be no subscription to the game it will be free to play.

I can only do so much on my own my capabilities for development can be music composition. voice casting, & graphic design using photoshop. Like a puzzle I am but one small piece & I need the rest of you to come together to make my imagination a reality.

I am currently trying to learn how to use C++ & Zbrush. If anyone knows how to use these fully please share your knowledge with me so I may learn & contribute more to my project.

If you are interested in joining my development team please send me a PM, contact me on skype, or even text my #
Skype: Demon-Zanku
Phone #: 508-439-6228 (This number is a text # & will only receive text, calls will not go through to this number)

Added after 4 Days 17 Hours:

Come on, Anyone?
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It's an interesting team, but you would need a huge crew to make this game. I mean making a 3D game takes years alone or with two people. Also you would need to pay them, and as there is no profit in a free to play game without in-game purchases you will go in deep minus.
This sounds like an insanely impossible idea.
Creating a whole MMO.

Big aspirations.

Why not create a private server for an existing one?

Like MapleStory for example. It's fairly popular. You could create a private server for it and just modify everything completely. Just use the private server as base code.

I have thought about doing that. For example the game has default jobs, Warrior, Theif, Magician, etc, etc.

You could completely re do their skills and graphics and make it almost like your own game.
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