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Active Member
Hi folks!

Just wanted to ask that what things should be required on my forum to get some traffic.

Right of now i am just copy pasting some other warez stuff..and even got like 3000 pages indexed by like 8 days..
Well made some of my own forum rules and announcements to make things little original.

But what things are required to be done.

Thanks alot for any review you can give.

Wow are you serious, brah? You're really genius. How did you manage to make the forum? xD

Right of now i am just copy pasting some other warez stuff.
I laughed hard.. you made a forum to copy/paste from other sites? What would the members do if the admin himself is a leecher?

Well made some of my own forum rules and announcements to make things little original.
Well you don't have to.. You can copy/paste them from any site! Why waste ur time? :D

I just took a quick look at your site:
- You need to add a favicon
- Remove the black box in the header (Gamezinfo) as it looks very stupid.
- Make the sections descriptions unique, apparently you copied'em from divxturka. :facepalm:
- Make use of meta, description tags.

Wish you good luck though.
hatem20, why are you hating on his work for? apparently he gets enough visitors 125 members online right now and almost 1k members! and the forum only be up since june.

@zohaibar, don't let comments like these get you down dude, do the best you can that's the only thing you can do. I think you're doing great and I might just join your forum and help out!
hatem20, why are you hating on his work for? apparently he gets enough visitors 125 members online right now and almost 1k members! and the forum only be up since june.

@zohaibar, don't let comments like these get you down dude, do the best you can that's the only thing you can do. I think you're doing great and I might just join your forum and help out!
Alright cirbid I'm not hating on his work, I'm just trying to point out the mistakes that he did. Would you be happy to convince yourself that you own a forum with 100k fake members? That cannot be called success.

A positive comment don't help much, but critical comments always do IMO.
why is the FUCK users are fighting over here,just spamming the thread,meet at a place and kill each other
BTW the site is nice,u need to work on your Banner a little bit,edit your theme
Sections are not enough,try to make proper section..
Hire a Good GFX if u have money
First of all i am extremely sorry iwasnt able to drop by before...
Things got alot heat here..

Well what i was thinking of changing the domain name, to something where a keyword "warez" is warez paradise or anything...and suggestions regarding that..and would it be easy to change this present domain to the new one (i.e. of vbulletin offcourse)

And any new suggestions are always welcomed..i would try to work on all these precious suggestion...wj ppl rocks..thanx u all..

In d end thanking @subha86
for advising regarding banner/logo..

and I just cant add xxx section @Th3KiNG, i know they will get alooot traffic..but i am muslim...hope u understand..

@cirbid...for appreciating my work..

@hatem20...thanx bro for the great review..really i appreciate that..

@innocent_kid thanx for liking the theme bro..

@cyano ...i would try to do as you said bro..

And sorry that due to my started here...i was actually using fake members mod, as i already mentioned i just opened this forum so cant get people coming and going to see that no one is actually on the forum. I will defenitly remove it very soon.
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