- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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Thanks! :)

We prefer to work with other payout options.
Let us know if you have an issue with getting paid with one of the other payout solutions.

Good luck!
Hey leoglobe,
We email when files are deleted for any reason, maybe it was caught in spam filter.

New users of ? Come get your Silver membership! :D

Good luck!
Hugefiles my files remove before not made 1 month why...
also I dont accept any notice for my files when remove from my account :S

Please for Gold member also Silver make files to stay 2 month

it's very hard to upload in hugefiles , upload speed it's very low 105kb/s , also you remove files early , it's not fair
@leooglobe - We send notifications when files are deleted.
We can't be saving at this point files that aren't being used (downloaded) for more then a month, maybe we will extend the time in the future, but for the time being it's up to a month for silver / gold members!

Good luck to all :D
No, There shouldn't be any downtime. we will be adding a lot of strong servers and improving our FTP upload speed with special system we developed for it.

We hope to finish the addition of new servers in the next day or so, we will keep you guys updated.

By the way, is there anybody here that wants to try us out with SILVER MEMBERSHIP? (Read all about it here:

Let us know if you want one.

Good luck to all :D
@leooglobe - Thats good to hear.
Please send us a contact us with details on which way you prefer to be paid, we will to speeds things up for you.

Anyway, it's bi-mothly, on the 15th and the 1st of each month, but you have to hit "request" at least a week before so we can have enough time to preapre appropriately to do transfers.

Good luck ! :D
I have over 10$ in my ballance and I can't request my payment(I am gold member)..I sent one message to you with my Payza account..Thank you
That's great.
Please make sure you send us your payza account via contact form.

We will try to take care of it ASAP, even before the payout dates.

Just a reminder: in order to get you payment on time you need to request at least a week before the payout days which are the 15th and the 1st of each month.

Thanks and good luck! We will update you guys directly about your payments.
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