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Active Member
Guys, how would you use a good list of 100k people who are interested in web hosting? I do not want to send spam, but looking for a good way to convert it into some $$.
You can sell that list to a web hosting company who can monetize the list. Why don't you monetize the list yourself by launching your own paid hosting service? I think it will be better if you make a post in WebHostingTalk Forum. You will get more response there.
If you have a list that wants web-hosting than if it is more than a week old it might be half sales gone. People usually don't wait when they want it.

So you need to start your own hosting and contact them or make an agreement with a web hosting company to give you commission for clients from the list. Or sell them the list.

But posting your site on a site like wj or wh won't help with the list.
If they are interested in web hosting then they are probably either running or planing to run some sort of a online business, and key to success in online business is good position on search engines. So create a good looking SEO service web site, find quality SEO service providers on fiverr and seoclerks and outsource their services and promote the offer via email.
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