How to Utilize a Dedicated Server?

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Hey Folks

I am looking for some way to generate additional revenue from an empty dedicated server that I have.

It's not a really huge one. So we are not selling web hosting/VPS on it.

Does anyone have any suggestion how I can generate some revenue through it?

I can install both Windows and Linux on it. So any money making ways through any of these OS are fine.
do you know what miner programs are available for centos? wouldnt mind gettin that goin but no idea how to start lol im reading up on it now Lol
do you know what miner programs are available for centos? wouldnt mind gettin that goin but no idea how to start lol im reading up on it now Lol

Umh. Not really. Haven't really done my research work yet on it.

I was wondering, since it is a decent sized server, what if I create multiple VPS on it and run the miner on all those VPS? Will that increase the productivity? Or would it not really matter?
it doesnt matter...because all vps use the same physical cpu.... bitcoin farming with cpu ressources is useless... it uses to much electric power and the output is not much.... gpu is needed for effectiv bitcoin farming....
it doesnt matter...because all vps use the same physical cpu.... bitcoin farming with cpu ressources is useless... it uses to much electric power and the output is not much.... gpu is needed for effectiv bitcoin farming....

Why does the electric power matter ?
CPU farming is the best way, GPU were brought as using CPU wasnt cost effective.

But since the server is in a proper DC, properly cooled etc. , you can easily mine using CPU.

Also, it wont be effective in case you create smaller servers (VPS) on it, just use the whole system.
Hmm. Well I am aware that mining on a single machine won't be effective. So I suppose mining + doing some other monetizing work won't affect the performance of mining?

So are there any other ways apart from mining that I could do along with BTC mining?
Even the high end core i7 can only make 1 penny a day from bitcoin mining, its a total waste of time to do bitcoin mining on a cpu and even a gpu. Even Asic mining might not be worth it since you wont get the cards until Jan/Feb.
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