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Active Member
Here are some tips on how to use Twitter for business

1. Get to know the twitter language.
Take the time to read other posts and to see the language that is being used on the site. Here are a couple of things you should know before starting on twitter:
tweets - the name used for twitter posts
#word - use the # sign in front of a word to "tag" a word for tracking topics or events
@name - use the @ sign in front of a name to address a tweet to a specific user or to mention that user

2. Post daily tweets.
Make sure you post at least once a day to keep your followers interested in you.

3. Don't spam, don't post all day long.
Spamming will get you a bad rep fast, as does posting all day long (who has time to follow so many updates!) Keep your tweets meaningful and valuable.

4. Post your own links.
Your followers are interested in what you are doing, so every once in a while, why not give them your links and let them see for themselves.

5. Engage in conversations.
Engaging in others conversations and starting your own interesting conversations will get you a lot further than simply posting one-liners with no real lead to anything else.

6. Monitor what others are saying about you.
Search for @mentions and respond to all direct messages, even if its negative messages to you.

7. Use twitter partner services.
Use services like TwitPic, TwitVid, Yfrog, etc to post pictures or videos. This can help you stand out as well as help your branding.

8. Create lists.
List can be fun, interesting or just plain crazy! Creating lists that are relative to your product will help you build your community of followers.

9. Have fun.
Don't forget, Twitter was started to be a fun tool, so don't be so serious and have a bit of fun too!

Article written by Luke
Hope this was helpful
credits to Luke
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