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The first thing thing you should keep in mind is to have WP updated. As well as all installed plugins. Besides, you need to forbid to run PHP scripts from upload directory.
You many also consider checking out Cloud Flare they may help with security. Depending on what your hosting the site on you can either install CSF (firewall) or install some security plugins. You may also want to make sure your username is not admin for admin change to something more unique.
Choose your host wisely. Remember your website could be 100% secure but if the host gets hacked, your site could still be defaced and your database snatched.

Also use as little software on your server/site as possible (e.g only use a WordPress plugin if it's really necessary).
The best way is check 1 by 1 each php file too.
Also make sure your server you are being hosted in has at least some protection.
Can you give more information? What you posted was quite hard to understand.

Are you talking about securing wordpress or your server?
I wouldn't use a security plugin for Wordpress, if you are on a shared host or looking for a shared host I would contact them and ask if they have any protection for their servers. I read an article not to long ago on how to make your Wordpress blog secure. This isn't the article I read, but here is 6 things you can do


Also make sure you secure your server if your running from a VPS or if your running on Shared Hosting then make sure you choose wisely as @Loget said because some hosts are really unreliable now a days. Finally, you may want to change the directory of the admin panel and password protect and ip htaccess. If you need any more help just drop me a PM.
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