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I was doing some searching today and thought I would share this with WJ. I found out how to get free logins using a bot.

[SIZE=4][B][COLOR=Olive][U]Please note that #3x is no longer accessible through web-based clients such as or irc2go[/U][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]

IRC was not made to be used in Internet Explorer, so download a proper IRC client. Here are some good ones:

[COLOR=RoyalBlue] [URL=""][/URL][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna] W[/COLOR][COLOR=Sienna]indows[/COLOR]


[COLOR=Sienna]Max OS X[/COLOR]

[COLOR=darkorange][COLOR=Sienna]Firefox add-on (any OS)[/COLOR]

[/COLOR]Before you can chat on IRC, you'll need to connect to a server. Please refer to the documentation that came with your client for instructions on how to do this. To connect to [COLOR=Sienna]#3x[/COLOR], we will be using the server [COLOR=SeaGreen][/COLOR]. Once you're connected to [COLOR=Magenta]Whatnet[/COLOR], join our channel. [COLOR=Sienna]#3x[/COLOR]. Once again, for instructions on how to join a channel with your particular client, please refer to the documentation that came with it.

For more information on IRC and the different IRC clients out there, please refer to:
[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][/COLOR]

[COLOR=red][SIZE=5]Communicating in the channel[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Not so fast, put your dick away. If you were intelligent enough to find your way into the channel and tried to talk, you were probably told that your message could not be sent. This is because you are first required to register and authenticate.

To register a new account, you'll need to give the [COLOR=Sienna]hostserv[/COLOR] bot your desired nick name and password, and a [U]valid[/U] email address.

 	/msg [email]H@WhatNET.Servic[/email]es REGISTER mousanony ilikedick [email][/email] 
You will then need to check your email and copy & paste a special code to activate your account. Once this is done, you need to authenticate. To do this, send hostserv the following command with your nick and password.

 	/msg [email]H@WhatNET.Servic[/email]es AUTH mousanony ilikedick 
If you plan on visiting #3x again, you'll need to authenticate every time you connect. But luckily, most IRC clients will allow you to do this automatically. Again, for further instructions please refer to the documentation that came with yours.

If you are confused by any of this, simply type [COLOR=SeaGreen]/msg h help[/COLOR], and the [COLOR=Sienna]bot[/COLOR] will give you specific instructions.


Ok you can take your dick back out now. To open a query session with the [COLOR=Sienna]bot[/COLOR], double click on [COLOR=Sienna]XSS1[/COLOR], [COLOR=Sienna]XSS2[/COLOR], [COLOR=Black]or[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]XSS3[/COLOR]. Alternatively, you can type [COLOR=SeaGreen]/query XSS1[/COLOR]

In the dialog window, type[COLOR=SeaGreen] !search <sitename>[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Magenta]Example:[/COLOR][COLOR=lime] [COLOR=SeaGreen]!search team3x[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=SeaGreen] [COLOR=Black]or[/COLOR] !search 4chan[/COLOR]

To get a random password, type [COLOR=SeaGreen]!random[/COLOR]

If a pass is found and it does not work, type [COLOR=SeaGreen]!dellast[/COLOR] the [COLOR=Sienna]bot[/COLOR] window. If you receive an error message using the dellast command, type [COLOR=lime][COLOR=SeaGreen]!delete [URL=""][/URL][/COLOR][/COLOR]

For more information on [COLOR=Sienna]bot[/COLOR] usage, please refer to:

If you want to see the original site:

Let me know if this works for you guys. :)
when i try to join #3x is comes up with this

Cannot join channel, you must be authed to join (+r)

Please guys - don't use the search function. If has been removed due to excessive abuse.
It gets you a two hour ban and really pisses us off, since newcomers come into the help channel to complain.

Instead, just request like everyone else and patiently wait in silence.

There's a whole thread on how to request correctly at

If you join, and wait for 15 or 20 minutes, you'll see how everyone else requests.

P.S. - i don't see an inbox on this forum - maybe it's because i'm a probationary member. If that's the case, and you have a working IM system, could who reads this, please IM Speakup and ask him to delete the !search bit and put in a link to the URL above? - thx. Might also be a good idea to post that you've done so on this thread, so as not to piss him off with dozens on IMs :( )

(this is a throwaway account just created to make this post - i'll not be reading any followup posts. If you need help, use the 3x forums or the 3x help channel #3xhelp )
DAmn I used this before but after my pc format I've lost this :D
Glad you posted it again mate, thanks a lot <3

Oh, worked for me before, I hope it will work now too : )
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