How to avoid leaving from my site when user click on thumb ? (Wordpress)

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Active Member
So, I have an adult blog, and when I click on image thumb, it doesn't open it in new tab but in the same one. So the user is automatically leaving my site and I don't like it :S Are there any settings or a part of code which can fix this ? Also, it would be great if there is a plugin which can do this automatically(it will be real pain in the ass if I need to set this 3 times for every post).

Any help is appreciated!
search in wordpress plugin, i'm using ncode image re-sizer plugin - works great.

btw option in image adding in wordpress:
Target : Open link in a new window
just click it :)
tnx guys for your answers...

1. ncode image re-sizer plugin doesn't help(maybe the problem is because it is not compatible above 2.9.2 version of wordpress.
2. I know about target="_blank", but in every post I have two thumbs, and 1-2 download links, and it will take alot of my time...

Any other idea ?
I use imgchili for thumbs and it opens in new window by itself.

Try to search for a plugin.. otherwise not many other options
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