How much can cost designing and coding this ?

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Active Member
I've just started with a new project so I would like to have some rough costs in my mind.

What I need:

I need a Poll site to be done from scratch. You should design it, then code it and provide support for installing if not simple to do it.

Some features needed:

*Probably just one poll will be there, but you should make available to add more polls in future(one poll per page).

*Simple admin place from where I can change Poll(question and answers).

*Showing current result.

*Logging IP so multiple voting isn't allowed.

*Tracing IP so results can be shown per country also.

*Some simple but still nice design.

*Something like social bookmarking addons - icons from few biggest networks and option to share my website via that icons.

Serious coder will probably need more details, but can some one tell me what should I expect as roughly price ?

Thank you.
Its not a big project..A normal coder cum designer should take around $200.. it depends on design..coding part is not tough..
$200-$250. Thats including all the programming and the design.

You should just learn PHP you would be able to do all this in no time if you put a lot of effort into learning the language.
$200-$250. Thats including all the programming and the design.

You should just learn PHP you would be able to do all this in no time if you put a lot of effort into learning the language.

I'm solid in programming, but for desktop apps. I'm not interested in web programming and I'm desperate when it come to design part. I'm more into math and hard programming. So I need someone who can do this for me, because I don't want to put effort and my time in something I don't like and I don't need :) Tnx for informations.
Just as nitish said, the coding should not be too difficult for your needs but it all depends on the design - if you want a good design it will cost much more than a "standard" simplisitic design.

You would be able to get it done on for very cheap - between $120-200.
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