How do I disable output buffering in php?

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Active Member
I have edited every php.ini file on the server to output_buffering = Off and set the 2 values under it to 0 and for some reason when I run my script it says output buffering is enabled. I tried adding a .htaccess file in the directory and I put php_value output_buffering = Off and it still doesnt work.
Does anyone know a way to fix this so I can run my sborg script? lol

I have php5 installed and the http service is apache2
I think the service restarts would be fine, not sure though

If you want to make sure you're editing the right php.ini script
Make a phpinfo.php file
and put this in it: <? phpinfo(); ?>

Should show you the php.ini file its running on.

Also i think i had this problem before with Kloxo, instead of editing the php.ini file, i disabled it from kloxo

Not sure if thats what you have though
ugh....FML lol, I spent an hour looking around and didnt even think to check if the ; should have been there


EDIT: not working still T_T

Under phpinfo it says output buffer is running at 4096 after editing all the php.ini files including the one actually running to output_buffer = Off without the ;

I think I will just do a reformat and try using something other than ubuntu
try disabling rutorrent and test the script again.I think rutorrent needs the output buffering to be on so it might enable it (even if in php.ini it's off) I'm not sure if it interferes with sBrog but just try it.
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