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shragle payed but its a long way to paying out
i waiting so 6-8 weeks every time
and its a very small filehost often problems and no space.........
but they paied me every time
reference only gives members the money in my account. Why can not win download.?I see downloaded.What can I do to win download.? help me please... :(

The support never responds to emails. Upload via ftp works intermittently. Many times an error is signaled 530 Full Disk and you can not upload files. The remote upload works for luck! When I get to the payout will let you know if they pay!
"Shragle have good news for all users. The Project was sold to the new owner.

We hire a new Developer Team to improve the service. And the new managment team will get paid all partners in this month.

We are going to make Shragle to a good site for everyone with new concepts."

Wait and see.
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