- Earn $25/1000 Downloads

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upload speed low . kindly fix it

Added after 2 Hours 11 minutes:

processed my first payout :) and waiting for the payment
Last edited:
plz move Saudi Arabia to tier 1 or 2
like all file hosts
plz reply
Thank you for your suggestion. Upon reviewing your request, we will move Saudi Arabia to Tier 2.
add Credit Card for purchase premium-account!
We are already in the process of implementing this.
Yes, we pay affiliates through Payza.
My stats are counting weird. For 360 dls, I get $2.40. For 530, I only get $2.80? All my traffic comes from the same country,
We've had no other complaints regarding stats. Everything should be working normally. We will however investigate, so please PM me your username.
Please do something about the upload speed.
I'm getting very low upload speeds almost 1/5 compared to other hosts.
Taking too long to upload files :(
We are constantly checking server performance at currently everything is working well. It might have been some network issue.
i doesn`t count well
Reporting should be ok but we will double check.
upload speed low . kindly fix it

Added after 2 Hours 11 minutes:

processed my first payout :) and waiting for the payment
As I said, server performance is ok and speed is ok as well. It might have been some network latency when you experienced slower speeds.
The count is probably broken downloads or download rates are reduced again.
We did not modify the rates. The rates can be checked on our website. In case anything is modified, we will post here. says :))

site down ?
please increase rate for tier 4 :(

We've had some problems which have been fixed. We apologize for the downtime. Currently we can't increase the rates for Tier 4.
waiting for my payment
Several payments went out just now. If you requested payment today you will be paid within 7 days (usually faster).
site is down?please fix
It has been fixed. says :))

I don't understand why some of you keep saying we're scam. Do you have any proof that we're scam? I don't see meaning of your post in this thread. If you're looking to increase your post count, look elsewhere please.
Software error:

Can't connect to Mysql server. at Modules/ line 28. For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

Now its working
All issues were fixed and we are sorry for the inconveniences that this downtime has caused.

People that got paid, please confirm here so others won't think we're scam. I will post screenshots as well soon. :)
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