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It is as simple as (Im not from US and I don't vote in US and I'm not interested in an AMERICAN that is trying to ENFORCE his own law on me while Im not on their SOIL)

AFAIK euro countries are not American States

Agree with this, DMCA is an Amercan Law so in fact any non-American country (Except Canada & UK & Australia) dont have to follow DMCA notices and they´ll be forced to close site only if local court order it´s issued.

But you know a lot of countries/business had interest in US, political relations or just a good peering agreement with them and due to Blacklists they could lose those agreements if they don´t follow american recommendations about Copyright advises. Just think about BREIN policy, a DMCA copy for Netherlands to keep american lobbies happy.

So just find a hosting company which set above client rights instead US lobbies whishes, and thats why this thread was created, because this policies dont affect only to copyrighted content also to freedom of speech of our websites/clients. US make up the internet but it doesnt mean it belongs to them, we´re WorldWide!

Anyway i agree with ServerPolice, avoid reseller/not serious providers for sensitive content just because they will leak your data quickier if they have legal problems against their business.
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