Selling up for sale!!!!!!

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Active Member
Hey Guys and Gals,
Guess what's up for sale!!!!!My own hosting company which is only a week old. This company I started on the 6th of Jan and would like to sell it as I am not able to get any personal time for me and my friends. I am selling the site for $70 which includes WHMCS monthly license and my custom alpha reseller plan from The stats of the site are as follows:


The site has 12 customers at the moment.Payment is to be done via paypal. After the payment is complete the site details will be handed over. Price can be negotiated.

Proof of ownership :

Kind Regards

We need more details then just traffic. Traffic is nothing. Also you don't talk about the ripped logo :| I assume because of all the badmouthing going on that's why you decided to sell it? I mean you've barely had the site for like 2 months? max.

so confuse

this host new running busines and now need sell

the Question:

what happen ?
you will be not sell if the are no reason logic..this indicated some issue
and you not serious run business just for fun only

We need more details then just traffic. Traffic is nothing. Also you don't talk about the ripped logo :| I assume because of all the badmouthing going on that's why you decided to sell it? I mean you've barely had the site for like 2 months? max.


dude, we dont have time to manage it :( i have 2 warez sites to look after!

Please Dont comment in a thread which u r not interested in..

client image updated..

Serious buyers can comment please
if u can see the thread again..

WTF, can't u see this image man, u r really making me piss off

Ill give you $20,

Your monthly income is only $50 before the cost of WHMCS & the reseller

Not worth a lot honestly, IMO the domain isnt worth anything clients are what matters
Ill give you $20,

Your monthly income is only $50 before the cost of WHMCS & the reseller

Not worth a lot honestly, IMO the domain isnt worth anything clients are what matters

-$35 a month xD Not worth it at all.
Ill give you $20,

Your monthly income is only $50 before the cost of WHMCS & the reseller

Not worth a lot honestly, IMO the domain isnt worth anything clients are what matters

Bro I am taking the cost only for the reseller....WHMCS and domain given free of cost!!!!

When does the included monthly reseller account need renewel?

3rd of every month

So it is running at a loss.

We have been running it only for a week and we got 50$ we are not making any loss
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