Shared Host For Everyone | Shared $0.33/month | Reseller $2/month | M. Reseller $4/month

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Very Good Service

thnks bro for cheap prices.Your service are good.I will shift to ur hosting ASAP.Hope u continue ur services.
Own-age time, here is what you call risky to deal with this company and the owner, This is what a hour of research did, and hopefully after all this a moderator will ban or close this thread.

$0.33/Month is paying server bills how?

He gets 1000 clients, and doesn't pay his second month and profits $$$.

His server is $100, he makes $330 first month, he shutdowns within 1 month and runs off with $230, makes sense don't it? wait.. he "wants to help people" haha, that's the biggest joke I've ever heard.

Unless he has a vps then he profits a lot more.. plain and simple any host that is under a few bucks a month won't last longer than month or two, it's just common sense. I've ran a hosting company for almost a year now, and I'm not a cheap host, My shared packages start at $5-50 a month, If people don't like it go elsewhere, but fact is you get quality with me and my servers, and is the difference you get with a low budget host.

Also he sells $20 FOR LIFE PACKAGE.
If you just sell 100 of these your pushing 10,000GB(10TB) of bandwidth which isn't easy unless you have a high end server, your either going to overload the cpu/ram, or pipe because I'm sure it's shared.
Let's say for example he has 100 customers, and they all purchase the "$20 lifetime package"
So in total that would bring in, $2000, let's say his server cost $150 a month
Which I doubt a server that cheap would run all of what he would offer, but we can give him the benefit of doubt.
So he will make $2000, in one year, it will cost him $150 x 12 = $1800.
Okay so he profits $200 that year, not including any extra bandwidth he must pay, ram, support, server costs, support or alike.
He now profits $200 for one year, and he keeps the same amount of customers, now he has $200 into the next year, which now brings him $1800 - $200 = now he is in the hole $1600 that year..
Now the third year, wait a minute the 2nd year he's already negative $1600 the 3rd year he will be negative $1600 + $1800 = $3400 just after 3 years. He will be broke after 1 year 2 months.
Now explain to me how in the world you could actually keep your business alive, and pay your bills, make money, and keep going with that type of package. Fact is you don't, after the 2nd year or even a few months your going to close up due to your server being overloaded and not being able to handle your customers, or your going to go broke, unless you like paying thousands of dollars to hosts sites, It's simple math that anyone could figure out if they actually thought of it this way, now hopefully everyone will understand exactly my point, and not including all the crap below I found out about the owner.

Who in the hell is going to be around for life? Sooner or later your going to die, and I doubt at age 60 your going to be running this business, I've got money on it..
If this hosting company lasts longer than six months without any server downtime for at least 98% up-time I will PAY the owner $100 PAYPAL, oh and I'll prove I got $18 grand in my paypal account right now, no fraud crap either.

That's how much I believe this company will flop, but in all truth, I give it 1-2 months MAX, who wants to bet on it with me? :)

I looked up his address via the whois and it says the address is invalid there is no street named that in California, what's up with this false info?

Also why does this other website have the same exact info as your domain?

I also got this post on webhostingtalk and it says you sell stolen dedicated servers, and a customer of yours that got ripped off, explain this?

He got banned on hackforums for vouching for himself with another account he created,

He is trying to sell hacked/carded licenses of WHMCS on supportforums here,

He is asking how to card on ebay which admits to him doing fraud/carding
Plz tell , How to do EBAY CARDING (GC)

kapil441 is Online

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Plz tell , How to do EBAY CARDING (GC) - Today, 01:07 PM

I wish some moderators would allow me to check up on hosts and review them and do research I can find info on anyone, specially people that are lying. I got nothing else to do when I'm not running my business.
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well buddy, lol i pay the server bills everymonth and who said u that i have 1000 Clients? its not true and also the LIFE PACKAGE is for 5 Years you noob, we just named that package so and buddy we are up since October 2010 , so i think 4 Months have been passed lol

and we are able to pay the server bills till now , and do n't worry if i don't have much profit , then i will pay the bills using my other site's income , lol. So don't worry

you can chk my sites buddy

also i do uploading and ya i m a seller of many other products too, so no chance that i m ever not able to pay the server bills

Your company has the worst reputation I've ever seen on WJ with my own eyes!
They sell stolen dedi's and are well known on malicious forums.

Well, I would stay far away from this company they are posting advertisements on hacking forums, check out this...

They offer "lifetime plans" for $20, onetime fee, now if that doesn't scare someone away from buying something what does, oh wait.. check out the stuff below that might scare you even more..

Alpha reseller plans for $30 a year, a few of them accounts and there goes a high end server in a matter of a few weeks..

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We allow all the sites except the above ones. We allow sites like warez linking , bots, Istealers,Porn, Coding ,Hacking, Forums, FTPs, DriveBys, Phishers or any other nulled scripts are allowed in our site.

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