HighStream - Video Service Official Support

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Error 1015
Ray ID: 5d865c2dbe03753f • 2020-09-25 17:10:41 UTCYou are being rate limited
What happened?

The owner of this website (clipwatching.com) has banned you temporarily from accessing this website.

whats up ??

user: xespi
Since the day of major problems and not being able to upload anything, the statistics in clipwatching are falling.
In aparat the same thing happened and the statistics are correct.
Dear @KatFile,

Earning is bad, but main issue is that ads are stoping video from fullscreen. Impossible to watch fullscreen, tested in chrome browser. Please do something. Or everyone will lose visitors.
Zoom work fine now for clip and aparat and thank you for the payment


What did you do because for me it doesn't work. Same error for both site. I'm using the newest Zoom 8.0.1. but with 8.0 it doesn't work either.

2020-09-27 10:35:10 UP: GetUrl (HTTPProtocolException:HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden) (clipwatching.com)
2020-09-27 10:35:18 UP: GetUrl (HTTPProtocolException:HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden) (aparat.cam)

@KatFile? :pensive:
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