Hi kindly review my site attunlockservice.com

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I attached image, please help, i didn't put any details in incirle, is it important to rank my site.. as of now i average 70 - 100 visits per day..


You can ignore "keywords" meta tag, many sites do it, because it's not important. Description should be unique but it depends on your product (as tags too). Also, very important H1 tag on the page, make sure you have it and it's not the same as title.
You can ignore "keywords" meta tag, many sites do it, because it's not important. Description should be unique but it depends on your product (as tags too). Also, very important H1 tag on the page, make sure you have it and it's not the same as title.

Thanks sir for your wonderful comments... H1 added and how long it takes to index again in google? Its very hard to setup SEO wahhhh...
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You can ignore "keywords" meta tag, many sites do it, because it's not important. Description should be unique but it depends on your product (as tags too). Also, very important H1 tag on the page, make sure you have it and it's not the same as title.

Thanks sir for your wonderful comments... H1 added and how long it takes to index again in google? Its very hard to setup SEO wahhhh...

You are welcome! It's very hard only with first 1000 sites. After all will be much easier :) I don't know when Google will index it again. But you can set some external good (!) links - it may helps.
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