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hey guys i suppose i better actually show my face on here lol as it is my company would really appreciate some feedback yes i know the site design looks tacky we were going for a real basic and easy to navigate look like not to complicated for info im based in kent united kingdom and if anyone wishes to email me please do its
phone number for the office is 02031372756 and ask to speak to ash or luke. oh also for you lot who have msn add me. have a great evening bye for now

your close its not a skype number though its our pbx number :D which yes runs over voip but most companies in the uk now use voip and if you want technical its on a asterisk 1.6.2 pbx server running freepbx. and oh i wish fly by host would be so much easier you dont just get given a certificate of incorporation and a london office you know 1 you have to be approved by companies house 2 you have to pay 3 you have to file lots of paperwork.
oh and you cant buy these numbers with paypal there voip inbound trunks which require 1 to be credit checked and it has to be paid via direct debit mandate
I have heard that the company has been sold already by the topic starter, is this true?

Seems abit quick to sell the company.
this is really weird though why william is saying this if i was selling it i wouldnt of just ordered 5 dell r300's lol
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