Just wanted to say hi to the community.
I was surfing the net and stumbled across this website and decided, since I'm not doing anything better with my time I could maybe try and make some money from it, right?
So, I joined up hoping to post in the marketplace (soon) to advertise my vBulletin install services.
Anyways, I hope to meet and get to know as many of you as possible. I'm always up for a chat so if you're bored or whatever, shoot me a message!
Just wanted to say hi to the community.
I was surfing the net and stumbled across this website and decided, since I'm not doing anything better with my time I could maybe try and make some money from it, right?
So, I joined up hoping to post in the marketplace (soon) to advertise my vBulletin install services.
Anyways, I hope to meet and get to know as many of you as possible. I'm always up for a chat so if you're bored or whatever, shoot me a message!