Hello to all - Fileserve help needed

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Hello to all, I'm new here and would greatly appreciate some guidance. A guy from fight-bb.com sent me here to talk to Ricky...so I sent a PM to him yesterday, but still no response yet. :( I have a problem with my premium FS account that I primarily use for storage. I tried to login my FS acct yesterday to download some of my stored files and got a message saying "Your account has been disabled due to violations of our Terms and Conditions." :facepalm: I honestly have no clue what I did wrong as all I've done is used the service for multiple downloads. Would appreciate any help or to have someone direct me so that I'll at least be able to get my files (if that's possible) and move on. (yn) Sucks to pay in advance for a service and then have it disabled without knowing why! If I'm just shit out of luck or barking up the wrong tree, I'd appreciate an honest answer on that as well.

Thanks - Bat
Hello to all, I'm new here and would greatly appreciate some guidance. A guy from fight-bb.com sent me here to talk to Ricky...so I sent a PM to him yesterday, but still no response yet. :( I have a problem with my premium FS account that I primarily use for storage. I tried to login my FS acct yesterday to download some of my stored files and got a message saying "Your account has been disabled due to violations of our Terms and Conditions." :facepalm: I honestly have no clue what I did wrong as all I've done is used the service for multiple downloads. Would appreciate any help or to have someone direct me so that I'll at least be able to get my files (if that's possible) and move on. (yn) Sucks to pay in advance for a service and then have it disabled without knowing why! If I'm just shit out of luck or barking up the wrong tree, I'd appreciate an honest answer on that as well.

Thanks - Bat

Cant u post this message in Fileserve official thread ? anyway Welcome to WJ.

Read this
Thanks Danger..but I didn't know there was a specific Fileserve place to list this...I thought it would be ok here since I'm new and had a problem. I went to the link you put up and that's what has happened to me. I only use the account and have only ever used it at my home. It's disabled now so I'm guess someone hijacked my account or something...so do I just post my message in that Fileserve place and go from there...I am so new and stupid to all this forum stuff...but thanks for responding
Thanks Danger..but I didn't know there was a specific Fileserve place to list this...I thought it would be ok here since I'm new and had a problem. I went to the link you put up and that's what has happened to me. I only use the account and have only ever used it at my home. It's disabled now so I'm guess someone hijacked my account or something...so do I just post my message in that Fileserve place and go from there...I am so new and stupid to all this forum stuff...but thanks for responding

Hope u will get the Answer from RickyFS when he is online.
Hey, I just got a visitor message from him but I don't know how or see how to respond to it???? to many buttons and windows and threads ohh my!
Hey, I just got a visitor message from him but I don't know how or see how to respond to it???? to many buttons and windows and threads ohh my!

Removed :P

Wow u have downloaded the files from Fileserve with Different places. lol. may be your account hacked.

I am not Replying here anymore. this is introduction area. good luck.
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