– Up to 45$/1000 downloads // 85% of sales + 30% of rebills

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Welcome. Site nice and very professional. I wish you success. :d
How can a XFS site be professional? OMG you only waste your time with another XFS hosting...hopeless

I commended looks nice, although the most important thing for me is the quality of service and timeliness of payment.
- A lemon you can make a lemonade, a drink (caipinha), or even sneeze in someone's eye ... So it can be sweet or just citrus ..

Just wondering what you can do with a script XFS. I do not think a script defines one's character. It is a biased judgment.
And groovefile, did a good job, and continues to improve by listening to its members. A script XFS, not all scam use, and not everyone who uses are scam.

I'm testing groovefile since yesterday, still need some adjustments, how to make link to folder and others... We'll see with time .. And to be honest, nobody is forced to use it (free will) ... My opinion is this. :P
hey Scott, i think i want u to add is the redeem function. buy premium account using the money on the account...maybe you have it or i just can't find it.

Remote upload speed very fast

That's great to hear!


You should something with FSC remote upload because 300kb/s is tooooooo slow

I just tested it out and everything seems fine, can you please try again and report back ?

Remote very slow today? Yestday speed was great 20-50 MB/s , now 70kb/s ...

That is odd, because we have just added a new server since yesterday which assures great speeds, I will investigate and let you know if I discover anything.

Thank you, Scott

hey Scott, i think i want u to add is the redeem function. buy premium account using the money on the account...maybe you have it or i just can't find it.


There already is, when you are at the point of requesting payment you have option to buy premium with the money you have generated. The premium is half the price!=)


please add turkey c group.. and remote upload very slow fix pls

We are strongly considering adding Turkey in group C, I will let you know when/if we do.

Thank you, Scott
Scott did u see the problem with mp3 plan? did you receive my private message?

Yes it is because of the way your mp3 was coded. Try downloading a normal file and re-upload on Groovefile and see if you see any difference.

Thank you, Scott

Please give me premium account. My acc is xeko1991
and add webmoney

I have reviewed your account and you do not appear to have any uploads, when you reach your quota please PM me and we will review your account once more. Webmoney is coming very soon:)

Thank you, Scott
i have uploaded, and no difference.....i really want to test it...but doesn`t work...i need this plan with mp3`s man...

Payment required after 6 hour, I received my money .
And, you pay me twice =) Is this a bond for happy new year? :D
Anyway thanks for the payment.

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