Google Traffic drop on 11th OCT 2012

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Active Member
My blogs traffic dropped from 3400 to 683 suddenly

does anyone facing same traffic drop ?

it was sudden and domain is not sandbox or penalty :(

traffic was consistent for over 6 months and suddenly dropped ;

It decreased in SERPS.
This means, that if you ranked 1st for one search term, it could drop to 4th or 5th place.
Fix it by making quality backlinks.

What is your ratio of organic traffic vs direct? Are you getting majority of your traffic from Google?
u are affected by EMD of new GOOGLE algo ....
google has recently chanched their algo
and most of the sites that have thier domain name the same as thier niche keyword have been affected
other question :
do you have unique content ?
how do you know that he is affected by EMD algo, when he never mentioned his site name?
cauze most of the site wicht their domain name is the same as their niche keyword have been affected by the last change of google algorithm
no it is not EMD but it is an Autoblog on WP.
duplicate content = yes
93% organic traffic :(
which dropped

Now google is removing indexed pages About 43,700 results (0.22 seconds)

yest they were more than 86k :(

what shd i do ?
Build quality backlinks, that will gain you authority.
You can also use to see if there's any backlinks drop, ie some sites deleted your comment, etc...
i have closed that site and wrote a new autoblog on it with modified grasp ,lets see how it goes :D

Old WP was having over 60k posts so was causing tooooooo much server usage :(

What you should do is build qualty backlinks , stop autoblogging and write unique content

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