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I don't get it.

I always had a PR of 1.
Lately my forum has alot of hits, i installed VBSEO, added high PR# websites as affiliate and now my forum is PR of 0.

I worked alot to get a higher PR but it only went down.

Could my VBSEO settings be wrong? I have linkback withouth moderating permissions. I know i need to learn the fine tricks of VBSEO but im shocked to see im a PR of 0 now.
pr is a funny thing and no one will ever understand it fully except google them selfs

it seems once people get an idea on how things work google change it
Well mine fell from 2 to 0 :(
It's strange but it seems like all warez sites' PR are dropping.
Even katz dropped from 4 to 3 ...
Well, who cares. PR dropped from 4 to 2 on one of my websites, while traffic from Google constantly increases.
WarezScene: PR3 (did not change)
iBootleg: PR3 => PR2
SerialDevil: PR2 => PR3
Mazu Downloads: PR1 => PR2
MediaBrowse: PR0 => PR1

Overall, a nice improvement. :)
The funny thing for me is that CrackMonster is still a PR3 and Baby Jesus still hasnt given my 0daydb thing I purchased years ago.
I dropped from 3 to 0... before that I went from 1 to PR3 and from looking at some other weird examples it only shows to me that PR is increasingly random and meaningless
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