Google not indexing my forum properly

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Active Member

I have a webmaster forum:
Its online now from last 1 year but still has only 90 pages indexed in google when you check:
I don't know whats wrong that my forum pages are not indexed properly. The most indexed pages are like:
I am using vbseo for the forum then why google haven't indexed real urls like: (thread name in urls)?
Just checked that google have indexed only pages from sitemap...don't know why only sitemap is indexed.
Can someone please help whats wrong with the forum or vbseo....?
Google Index Problem

Are you use robot.txt your site..?
its remove your all your site index for google search..remove 1 week after check..back show ur site for search result..
Some problems with yabbseo, we have uninstalle yabbseo, now again vbseo is installed.

Can someone please help me in this matter why google is not indexing the threads and other pages of my site...please help me, please.
there was robot.txt whose text is changed by me now....i thought because of robots.txt google not indexing my site
and yes a sitemap is already there on the server....
if your robots.txt not block spiders and it is good configurated, the problem is that your site is new and need some backlinks and pings
have you installed webmaster tools?
do a thing
go to
install webmaster tools on your site
open ur site profile in webmastertools
go to health on left options
go to fetch as a google
dnt enter anything and click fetch
wait for a min
click submit to index
in dialog box opened select..url and all pages linked to it.. and click submit
than wait for 24 hours:)
Hi thanks for replies.
@soldoni, the site more than 1 year old.
@rox, yes i am using google webmaster tools for it.
@kid, thanks will try this tip, something new for me. :)

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ----------

@ kid i have used index.php there for fetch feature....and submitted to index and now its showing message:
success, URL and linked pages submitted to index

What will be happened by it..?:139:
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