Google Chrome arrives on Android

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Mr Happy

Active Member
Today Google launched a Beta Version of the Google Chrome for it's Android OS.

Until now you can only get Google Chrome on your desktop but not Google Android which is the worlds most popular mobile OS which is shipped with a different basic browser. This basic default browser lacks a lot of features and speed one would expect from Google who usually prides itself on speed. The new Android Version of Chrome solves this problem as it's far faster and more advanced with features such as allowing you to sync your desktop browser to your mobile browser (similar to the FireFox mobile version). It has the super fast V8 javascript engine and support for other features like Web Workers and WebDB. A better layout and UI as well as pre loading webpages which start loading webpages in the background before you even click a link (wifi only but can be enabled for data) make it faster and easier to use which can also be found on the desktop version.


The only problem is due the the accelerator and engine it used you need Android 4.0 which is ICS version. You can find in in the Android store here
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