Giveaway - EZ-VPS.COM - Free Windows/Linux VPS For 1 Month (details inside)

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Active Member
To try and promote our services, we’ve decided to give away one VPS either on Windows or Linux (many distributions). The VPS will be available free to the winner for one month, after which time we’ll give you the option on whether you’d like to renew the service. The winner will get a coupon code for the free month of the VPS and the OS that comes with it.

What you win:
1GBit VPS (Windows or Linux)
250GB HDD Allocation
2TB Bandwidth
1GB Gaurenteed RAM
2GB Burstable RAM

This is hosted on a server with:

AMD Opteron 6x2.3GHz Processor
SolusVM Frontend with XEN Backend

Normal Price:

£20.00 per Month

Now, if you’d like to enter, just choose a number between 1 and 100. The winner will be announced after all 100 numbers have been chosen.

So, good luck to all!

1 - MWMaster
2 - hydrothunder
3 - yours_cj
4 - Tagay
5 - ArthonaD87
6 - njyitbj
7 - Desi_Boy
8 - kshabuj84
9 - awaiz007
10 - Sik
11 - Boss
12 - zubizaretta
13 - Matrix4u
14 - Rambo
15 - Karvy1
16 - jooker
17 - my123world
18 - crookid
19 - downloadsmasti
20 - BlaZe
21 - Boom
22 - QuickSand
23 - shanit
24 - diablo9975
25 - silent10
26 - nenadx
27 - Carbon
28 - weena
29 - trace
30 - Lie8
31 - Mr. Download123
32 - rlslog
33 - jacobmathew
34 - Djlatino
35 - tut2tut
36 - xtone
37 - grgqa
38 - Courage
39 - pappunsu
40 - World Life
41 - D@Ni
42 - deliteblogger
43 - Deadmau5
44 - Fab
45 - BSrpoints
46 - vizoomer
47 - maulin2good
48 - Abujiu
49 - sparK*
50 - ken
51 - SaKIB
52 - Yadro
53 - Nightbeat
54 - sliobra
55 - Overjaculation
56 - RdpNL
57 - Rocker09
58 - MediaStar
59 - kr200
60 - ask2talk
61 - .nItIsH.
62 - akthechamp
63 - zer(O)
64 - SiMmER
65 - avRo
66 - kevin002
67 - CloudShadow
68 - snkr007
69 - indahouse
70 - smtayeeb
71 - RapT1le
72 - Faizann20
73 - eXeo_
74 - lib3rty1
75 - mastermax
76 - zvze
77 - Nastaver
78 - sceneguy
79 - bdr111446
80 - AllmightyBuser
81 - sasacal
82 - Zeokat
83 - byte_s
84 -
85 - dada23
86 - sequelae
87 - baronang
88 - methad0ne
89 - amerriaz
90 - nYXem
91 - msk19994
92 - leonight
93 - axxo786
94 - fedi08
95 - RdpNL
96 - immu
97 - ayyan
98 - Nevermorez
99 - ravi_4289
100 - Shahrukh

Good luck to all!
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