GigaServers - 10Gbps Unmetered XEN VPS - Linux/Windows OS - From $16/mo (EU)

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If I might GigaVPS Advanced ordered and a GPU is present, I would have probably run FIFA 13 Bot. And why not activate if there is one ^ ^?
@merhovon: GPU is present. It's emulated (XEN), but I can't give you details about it and also we can't change GPU configuration.

UPDATE: We have changed our offers. Now we offer on all plans 10Gbps connectivity to the Internet and much faster HDD. We have 12xSATA3 HDD on the node, configured with RAID5 for maximum performance! Also we have 2 x Intel Xeon CPU's on each node and 192GB DDR3.
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@hegeszto: Your VPS was online or not? All our VPS are self-managed. So you have access to VNC in case you don't have internet connectivity to it (like your case). You can enter with VNC and check why you cannot access your VPS via RDP. Also you can reboot/shutdown/boot your VPS via your Client Area. You don't have to open tickets or writing on all the forums where you have account, about a problem that you can solve your self. Btw, there was no issue on the node, so probably there was a problem inside your VPS.
I don't think i deserve this tone, but suit yourself. As i mentioned below, and THEN EDITED, it was a periodic problem. VNC manager showed the vps online, but i could not connect to it via RDP or FTP. The latter is proof, that there was no problem with my home connection.
yesterday just for curiosity, i checked a result, because the connection wasn't the best, DL/UL speeds weren't enough to reach 8mbit both direction...

Right now i cannot even boot it via VPS control panel. I was not connected to it today and only couple programs with small footprint are running. Or were running...
@hegeszto: First time I saw your post, I thinked it's a network problem (like DDoS attack). I entered on your VPS with VNC and you had no IP's setup. That's why it didnt'w worked. has tons of servers available. If you test the speed with a 8000km away server, a 8Mbps speed is great. Please open a ticket everytime you have problems and we will fix them ASAP.
@mohamed2010872: Currently we don't offer demo accounts, but we have 7 day money back guarantee, so you can order without worry. If you are not satisfied, we will refund.
View Ticket #897217

i want only a Upload speed outside of Romania of 10-20Mb and this is now not possible since weeks now

However the speed is still not good inside romania its ok but outside its always not more as 500Kb after u use the vps for 30 mins the speed is going less and less.

i have a 100Mbit Home Connection and this is afster as your Service,could you pls finally fix this problem i think i waited long enough now.

@Deadmau5: I advise you to move on a 10Gbps plan. The new 10Gbps nodes have much better connectivity. Also please open a ticket and give us some details about where exactly outside of Romania you have slow connectivity (a traceroute would be useful)
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