offering 100 free Premium Accounts (1 month each!)

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ok. To clear this thread of any additional, un-informative messages, any person from this point forward who PMs us, or posts in the thread that they have a pending payout, will not get their payout.

The only exception is if your payout has been pending for longer than 3 days and you have not received any communication from us regarding the delay.

do u have your answer now? monupaglu or cant u read?
wow...whici is the rate now???


gbmeister every day you change the rate...upload not work...

why did not you say changed the rate again

however was less 10$/1000DL

but now 6$/1000DL....
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incredible gbmeister

we can not say anything

or to ask...then tell me please what need to talk in your thrend...

and just for me???

i did what spam\?

please show me how many posts i have in your thrend...

thanks anyway
Btw, as you see we have chosen to leave our servers online and provide downloads, while our RAID gets repaired. Thanks for your input, everyone!

Added after 42 minutes:

Also, we are lowering rates for Indian traffic.

The reason is that we make $0 from indian traffic, but we must pay out for the traffic still. If we want to keep giving our payouts, we cannot pay $10/1000 for Indian traffic. Please understand this - it is a result of our advertising platform CPM rates/
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Btw, as you see we have chosen to leave our servers online and provide downloads, while our RAID gets repaired. Thanks for your input, everyone!

Added after 42 minutes:

Also, we are lowering rates for Indian traffic.

The reason is that we make $0 from indian traffic, but we must pay out for the traffic still. If we want to keep giving our payouts, we cannot pay $10/1000 for Indian traffic. Please understand this - it is a result of our advertising platform CPM rates/

So what is the rate for Indian downloads finally?
why you are ignore some replies ?
Because you are wasting our time. We have logs of everything that has happened. The files were uploaded as non-premium. It is what it is - re-upload the files and move forward.
you can not expect people to pay $ 15 and then earn $ 10
at least make sure that registered users can earn and not only premium users , and make storage 500gb for free users

I'm still waiting for the first payment, 2 days of waiting ...
Because you are wasting our time. We have logs of everything that has happened. The files were uploaded as non-premium. It is what it is - re-upload the files and move forward.

I don't need to lie. :facepalm:
I upload Files Every day And i have same problem.
You should check Problem again and fix it.
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