from experience what's the best seedbox provider you have used?

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There is a thread here in wjunction with an excellent tutorial on how to install rtorrent/rutorrent which is based on forums dot rutorrent dot org thread found here
With this script , you can create multiple user accounts , install a secure ftp server, choose a web server to work with (personal preference nginx - more light on resources)

Another excellent torrent client with aggressive seeding properties is deluge.
ftp server you have to install it yourself . Google how to install and configure vsftpd . very easy

If you rent a linux vps but you have a windows background and insist on using μTorrent, then you must install wine , download (a good old version like 1.8.5 or 2.2.1) μTorrent from filehippo or oldapps and run μΤorrent via wine. Before that , you must install desktop gui of your preference and vnc ( I use NXserver which is more secure than vnc)
hope my views helped you

Many vps providers can install everything you need free. Others have auto scripts. You have a menu and choose what to install, for example which ftp you want to use and which torrent client you want to use.
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