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Active Member
Hi Guys,

I wanted to give something back to the community but i could not really think
of a good idea until i saw people selling Installation Services on the Marketplace,
honestly the amount of work you do to install something is minimal and in my opinion
does not really deserve to be paid but at the end of the day people will do it regardless.

So anyway here is my Free Script Installation Service :)

I only install on the following Panelled Hosting:

I could possibly do it on other ones but i have not yet tried.

I could also install via FTP if you already have a DB created
with username and password.

Please make sure that your setup is compatible with the script
you want to install as i will not be configuring your VPS or Server
so that it works with the script and if your on shared hosting and
it does not work well... i advise go look for another provider.

Anyway this is a basic installation service for anyone and everyone.

I only use Teamviewer to conduct all installations.

I currently support:

All Forum Software
All CMS Software
All eCommerce Software
(I will attempt nearly any script just ask)

Bonus: Nitish has offered his Designing skills
everyone that uses this Script Installation Service
is also entitled to a Free Logo Created by Nitish

I will NOT install modification for script and i will not add content,
that is your job not mine i will only install the core script.

Anyway, if you take up my service i do expect a review at the end of it.

If i reject your request for an installation it's just probably that
i don't like you and there is no point in asking again.

If i take long to respond I'm probably masturbating and too busy
with it to come online and chat with you so be patient and wait!

I do not update/upgrade fix or patch up broken scripts but i will
give nearly all scripts a go to see if i can install them for you.

I am also not responsible for any security problems with script
that you wish for me to install for you.

Any questions please ask in thread and DO NOT PM ME!

P.S. Anyone thinking they are clever by stating that they can do all
this can leave this thread now as you will not require this service.

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It's a nice offer but personally I think anyone who can't install a script that's as easy as Wordpress, IPB or the latest vBulletin shouldn't be running a site in the first place. The scripts are already noob friendly to install and we'll only end up with SUPER noobs running sites after this. It's something they'll have to do again in the future anyway so they may as well do it the first time themselves or at least attempt it.

Imagine. We could end up living in a world where QuickSand is considered intelligent.
It's a nice offer but personally I think anyone who can't install a script that's as easy as Wordpress, IPB or the latest vBulletin shouldn't be running a site in the first place. The scripts are already noob friendly to install and we'll only end up with SUPER noobs running sites after this. It's something they'll have to do again in the future anyway so they may as well do it the first time themselves or at least attempt it.

Imagine. We could end up living in a world where QuickSand is considered intelligent.

:P i know what you mean,
but this is not just for installing i will at the same
time teach users to install these scripts and other
basic scripts so that next time they know what to
look for when they install scripts :)

lol @ the QS remark :P
Very nice initiative. keep it up!

EDIT: I can make FREE logos for the people who get the free script installed by ihate :D
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i installed vb 3.8.6 , but i need to create the threads and categories of warez content and some posts of rules,etc. i mean the things to be done before opening forum
You can install rapidleech script bro?
You just install it or also can give the script, i mean paid cms, or scripts like sborg.?
Hey can you help about

my VB 4.1.2 based forum Admin Control Panel not working
why ?

whenever i try to ban any user after that saving option not working
when i try to edit footer its not saving

Please help ASAP

You can install rapidleech script bro?
You just install it or also can give the script, i mean paid cms, or scripts like sborg.?
Heya - i can install rapidleech but you must have hosting with a control panel.

Hey can you help about

my VB 4.1.2 based forum Admin Control Panel not working
why ?

whenever i try to ban any user after that saving option not working
when i try to edit footer its not saving

Please help ASAP


add me on skype: bart-hostgi
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