- Up to $40 per 1000 downloads or 65% PPS (All countries paid!)

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anyone experience this?
Software error:

Can't execute select:
Got error 28 from storage engine at Modules/ line 82.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

This Happen when acess file manager
I registered yesterday, but today I'm unable to use my account. :(
I flushed everything and still no result.

So today I registered again with the same email.
Can you please check what happened?
I don't want to be disabled for multiple accounts.

No answer... fv1369

How about the 1$ promo? I don't get the dollar.
Moooooah Tightboy, he answered your question already more than ten times.

Why should he answer you again? Read his previous post. Unbelievable.
How do they determine your files are porn

If I dont put something obviously pornographic in the filename will a pornographic file be able to fly under the radar?
Thanks for the support fv1369, i´m waiting for the server upgrade to start uploading

Any chance to add Mexico, Argentina or Chile in C?
We currently only offer paypal, we expect to make webmoney/alert pay available in Feb, see new features list on first page for more new features.
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