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if i don't have a premium account i can't do remote Upload?

I want ask you friends

I Upload a file his sizee 200 MO with remote Upload but when i have the URL in Filesonic his size became 8 B what is that ? where is the probleme
about 30min. ago l uploaded 2 same files from my first attempt, and now l can see them.
my question is, are they from the first uplod or from the second one
do l have to upload the other files again or not
sorry too many questions ;)
You guys are awesome!
I'm the kind of uploader who doesn't get any sales, so I have to rely on PPD mode. This is one of the best things to happen lately.
I saw the site manager and it has leech sites like fast-debrid - so we could now use these sites to upload to Filesonic?

How to do that... "fast-debrid" renders the URL on the moment you ask it, it's converted in real time... your "log/pass" (code) are included in the url you get, you can use it than everywere... so how to do it on Filesonic ?... Thanks
Whish anybody in this world will download from filesonic, I'm a premium member and uploading games on it...0 downloads...and in fileserve there are more than 30 copies each...Pls people download from filesonic tooooo...
Hish, how can I activate my website if I use as my website ? (I registered it as .com) I wonder cause' blogspot can't upload any file to its host so I can't upload text key but I really wanna activate my website cause almost of my sale is from my website. Do you have another way to confirm website owner like meta tag or else ?
Filesonic is quickly becoming the best file host out there today, if not already. This is one company that really listens to its customers and gives them what they want. The flurry of new features, improvements and promos over the past couple of weeks simply proves my point.

I like how Filesonic actually listens to uploaders, unlike Fileserve - all promises and no action, always bitchin about stuff they can't really accomplish.

Can anything be done about uploading speeds in USA?
I am uploading with z-o-o-m's application, sometime speed is 1.4MB/s , sometime it's 450KB/s but sometime is 50KB/s depending where your switch server transfers me, on which uploading server.
It is annoying, when I upload 10 files for example, no matter if 9 files have 1.4MB/s , if one have 60KB/s , I have to wait for that last one, If I am not near PC to restart it. And that is incredible I am wasting money on 1Gbit server...
I am uploading less and less on FSC because of this, slowing down means less earnings...
Hope you will look into this problem.
Hi Hish,

I'm now in PPD, but today i've got 1 sales. But that's not the actual problem. After i click that sales, the detail is my file link, but the referrer is not the forum i join / i never post there. Please check this. Maybe it is somebody else sales. My Filesonic username is like my username in this forum.

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