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What is all this "corruption" crap? Is it just their way of saying "DMCA removed" or "copyright infriging content", or is there actually server HDD failures? Because if it's the latter, I'm using FileSonic as file storage and if it is constantly like this then I'm moving.
Hish : How does this mission work ?

Get X sales from Y sites ?

Difficulty X = Y = Reward Time Limit
1 1 3 250 24 Hours
2 2 3 750 24 Hours
3 2 6 1500 24 Hours

I have only 1 site . How to play ?

And also , what does top 100 users get ?

Thanks !


This means that you have to get x number of sales from y number of sites (example the first one is get 1 sale from 3 different sites in the same day - total of 3 sales)



What is all this "corruption" crap? Is it just their way of saying "DMCA removed" or "copyright infriging content", or is there actually server HDD failures? Because if it's the latter, I'm using FileSonic as file storage and if it is constantly like this then I'm moving.


It has nothing to do with DMCA... If it was DMCA related, we would have written it.

This was an issue we had before we did the fix (dates back to 29th April or somewhere around then) ... The past week, there weren't any files affected...

We really apologize about that.. But we worked hard to find a solution, and now we did ...


Yes, but even then, condition is, spreaded links, and also, clickable links.
User can have 100s sales, and none from clickable links.
That is really hard to achieve.
^^Guess it's hard then :( Will try though .

Best host and best support <3

PS : What happens to credits of older months ? does it count in level or just use ?
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hi hish
last week i have made a mistake
ihave enter my alertpay emil in the webmoney case and i hve not received my 46 usd

my username is chilsaoui
please fix my problem

The referral link is to get affiliates to sign up under you and you earn a percentage on their earnings.

The premium ref link will give you a % of the sale, when someone clicks on it and buys a premium membership (if you get paid per sale)



Why not just make one link which can both give % of sales and the referral if he doesnt already have an account ??

And also possible to get as referral people who buy a premium with a new account from one of our file ??
Many host do this, so would be great if filesonic change this too.
What is the difference between Qualifying Credits and Credits ?
Which is calculated for Rank ?

Also :


How to play mission 1 again with different difficulty ?
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It has nothing to do with DMCA... If it was DMCA related, we would have written it.

This was an issue we had before we did the fix (dates back to 29th April or somewhere around then) ... The past week, there weren't any files affected...

We really apologize about that.. But we worked hard to find a solution, and now we did ...



Well, the files were deleted for "corruption" May 12th, and were uploaded on May 9th. So, in my instance, they were affected the past week... is there another problem?
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