- 8$ Pay Per Sale & up to 32$ for 1000 Downloads (Official Thread)

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sucks that they were not counting stats for most files all weekend, how is it possible to have 1200 downloads on part1 rar but part 2 rar has zer0 downloads?

They should credit us for this mistake I hope

as soon as paypal limitation removed

pls pay all the affiliate and even if its 1 $....and close ur damn site

its a waste...bcoz u r not able to do any support...(no pay , no DL counts , no fixed and no any reply )

atleast leave us with good repute as wupload does

hope everyone agree
Each sale is fixed as $10 isn't it? But i can understand this stats.


I seem to have made one sale on 10.06.2012 but amount shows $0. Does anyone have the same issue?
The only upload way that's been working for days is remote. I haven't been able to upload any other way. We can't get support here. What's the point of keeping this thread, please?
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