- 60% over the sales and rebills

How would you rate our speeds?

  • Very high

    Votes: 15 10.9%
  • High

    Votes: 9 6.6%
  • Normal

    Votes: 43 31.4%
  • Low

    Votes: 23 16.8%
  • Very low

    Votes: 47 34.3%

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Can you pls consider to approve a reseller in the mean time ?

A popular choice these days seems to be

Edit : it seems that they have a cookie problem so you can not see clearly who they represent. Looking at their source code solves the problem ;-)

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We thought of it. For us it is convinient... BUT for you not! If a reseller sells a premium KEY he gets the 40% discounted price and he earns according to the price he sells...
BUT you do not earn anything. We don't want to put resellers so that we earn money. We are searching for a solution so that you earn your 60% and that's why we are building our payment method ;)
please filemates report the unrelated posts here to get deleted so no one talk about anything but filemates please make your responses about the new gateway in periodic times so we can be synced with the movement please check pm again
stop spamming with resellers requests, nobody need that ****
if you want resellers go to oron and i wish you good luck
We thought of it. For us it is convinient... BUT for you not! If a reseller sells a premium KEY he gets the 40% discounted price and he earns according to the price he sells...
BUT you do not earn anything. We don't want to put resellers so that we earn money. We are searching for a solution so that you earn your 60% and that's why we are building our payment method ;)

Yes, you are absolutely right, didn't think about financial consequences for me. Send you a PM with a much better idea as I don't want to upset mizaki more as necessary ;)
Well guys... Maybe Kinepolis has a good idea for the moment. Whoever wants, can ask me to convert his account to reseller. I will debit his pending peyment back to his account so that he can create Premium keys.

Just say to your users, blogs, forums and so on to send YOU the money. They send you the money, you generate a Premium Key and send them the key to their email.

They are premium and you get the money without problem.

Just as temporary solution is not bad until we sold the problems and get back a payment processor.

When we have the payments back, we will convert your accounts back to normal so that you can't sell keys and you can request payouts.

What do you think???

p.s. just an addition to the suggestion of Kinepolis, this option will be available only to members that have generated income in the past even once... so only to uploaders. this way new registrations that will look forward to get reseller accounts and benefit of this will not be able to... ;)


and let's get this AdultKind searching to find hundred of resellers jejejej ;)

edit: of course for this period i will apply a discount of 60% instead of 40% so that you do not lose a 20%

i want to be fair and not benefit of this situation

And we will do something more :)
We will add a field in the account section so that you put your email address OR your website/blog address... and in the payment methods page we will put a box saying:"if you want to pay directly to the uploader and get a premium key for 30, 60, 90 or 180 days contact him at ...."

so they can reach each uploader separately according to the file ;) this will be optional for those that want to show their email address or website!!!
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so all the over users whos joined with you uploading files and havent sold no premium accounts yet wount get nothing and what bout new users who join your site they wount earn nothing which is unfair

can you close my account plz ps2gameman dont like this and wanna leave
so all the over users whos joined with you uploading files and havent sold no premium accounts yet wount get nothing and what bout new users who join your site they wount earn nothing which is unfair

yes all those that have an activity... i mean have referrals, files, downloads or previous payments... in other words those who have an activity ;) a reseller will not do all this just to get a reseller account... :)

the only thing is that you must have a pending balance or peyout request so that your reseller account has money. if you don't have but you still want to do it you have to charge your account by sending money...
Well guys... Maybe Kinepolis has a good idea for the moment. Whoever wants, can ask me to convert his account to reseller. I will debit his pending peyment back to his account so that he can create Premium keys.

Just say to your users, blogs, forums and so on to send YOU the money. They send you the money, you generate a Premium Key and send them the key to their email.

They are premium and you get the money without problem.

Just as temporary solution is not bad until we sold the problems and get back a payment processor.

When we have the payments back, we will convert your accounts back to normal so that you can't sell keys and you can request payouts.

What do you think???

p.s. just an addition to the suggestion of Kinepolis, this option will be available only to members that have generated income in the past even once... so only to uploaders. this way new registrations that will look forward to get reseller accounts and benefit of this will not be able to... ;)


and let's get this AdultKind searching to find hundred of resellers jejejej ;)

edit: of course for this period i will apply a discount of 60% instead of 40% so that you do not lose a 20%

i want to be fair and not benefit of this situation

And we will do something more :)
We will add a field in the account section so that you put your email address OR your website/blog address... and in the payment methods page we will put a box saying:"if you want to pay directly to the uploader and get a premium key for 30, 60, 90 or 180 days contact him at ...."

so they can reach each uploader separately according to the file ;) this will be optional for those that want to show their email address or website!!!

Well, you have a special talent to read my mind, I just PM'd you back if it is possible to do something as you describe in " and we will do something more =) "

Thanks that you like my idea, let it make a bit more clear to the readers, and especially Mr King

There are 3 problems now :

- FM doesn't make many sales as most people like to pay with Paypall
- as their accounts are blocked, they can not pay us for now
- by this, some uploaders might get frustrated and even leave a good filehost

Fortunately, I remembered from previous hosts that the script they use has an option to convert earnings into premium keys

So how does it works ?

You promote on your site that users can buy directly from you (you become reseller)

If a user is interested, he must register on filemates through one of you links (so he is your affiliate) and you use your earnings to generate a premium key for him. This key will cost you 60% less as the amount you will sell it to the user

User pays you by Paypal and you mail him the key.

This way everyone is happy, maybe except that king guy

- you have generated a sale, has the money immediately, and the amount FM owns you became less
- your user is happy because he has a premium account he could purchase with PP
- FM is happy because they not longer have an interruption in their service, and it costs them nothing
- Mr king is happy because he has many fresh people to hunt


Of course you have to stay careful :)

Never give on a blog your real email adress - just create a new one for this occasion. And use a proxy server to log on, best is TOR

Don't use your existing PP account. Create a new one and send the money to somewhere else

Just leave all the traces on the net, not so difficult, but be carefull
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so all the over users whos joined with you uploading files and havent sold no premium accounts yet wount get nothing and what bout new users who join your site they wount earn nothing which is unfair

can you close my account plz ps2gameman dont like this and wanna leave

The system is based on the idea that you convert your earnings to premium accounts at a discounted rate so you can sell them by yourself to your users and make a profit on them.

If there are no earnings, there is not much to convert, isn't it ?
filemates u need to give less time to the solution of 1 2 or 10 guys and give more tinme to the permanent solution for every one all what am seeing here is that there is a delay in the payment gateway so you try to find other methods to pay users that's not good for making us frrl safe please update us on payment gate direct CC payment and for god's sake read PM
filemates u need to give less time to the solution of 1 2 or 10 guys and give more tinme to the permanent solution for every one all what am seeing here is that there is a delay in the payment gateway so you try to find other methods to pay users that's not good for making us frrl safe please update us on payment gate direct CC payment and for god's sake read PM

the script is ready, the payment processor is bought, the server is bought, the domain as well...

what we are waiting is the bank merchant account. it is a special accountot o accept payments... this takes time. they told us few days... I hope so.
As soon as we have our IMA (internet merchant account) we connect it to our payment processor and we start the integration ;)

in the meanwhile we found good this solution until this happens...
the script is ready, the payment processor is bought, the server is bought, the domain as well...

what we are waiting is the bank merchant account. it is a special accountot o accept payments... this takes time. they told us few days... I hope so.
As soon as we have our IMA (internet merchant account) we connect it to our payment processor and we start the integration ;)

in the meanwhile we found good this solution until this happens...

good steps, though I still have not used filemate, I look ur thread regular, great effort :) :sun:

what is this

File Mates On the 2nd of July (1st July in the USA) a FileMates representative reported that their Paypal accounts had been “blocked” and they could no longer send or receive payments via Paypal. The screenshot below shows the post.

UPDATE: 4th July 2012 Filemates have now lost their backup processor 2CO (2CheckOut) terminated less than 2 days after setting up their account. We are still working to have OKPAY remove their ability to process payments.

Make no mistake about it, this is a site run by criminals. They profit from stealing copyright material and then reselling the access to download it. It’s theft on a grand scale.
However to make things much worse, they have a vast array of child pornography on offer, so FileMates is profiting from the sexual exploitation of children. The screenshot below shows a list of some of the child exploitation videos available on FileMates.

:'(:facepalm: I find so sad that you do nothing about this issue ... ultra sad allowing that nasty content :'(

I hope you take care a little bit more about this terrible issue , not only about payment gateways ..... for god's sake!
we detected your account has illegal material.
We regret to inform you that your account has been banned and your content will be deleted next 24 hours.
Sorry for any inconvinience.

you banned my account only 1 DMCA warning , you waste of time
I wasted my 1 week to upload and after I extended my account
I'm banned. I can not refund cause your paypal is blocked
Do not waste any cent here, they will kick you too at any time
A bunch of losers crying about how they can't make money off of STOLEN CONTENT. :))

Hey filemates... Adultking didn't kill you. YOU killed you when you chose to make money from stolen content. Look in the mirror, dickweed. :D
Why would you come here, break our rules, and test our patience to post this from your California Comcast IP address?

I really can't stand people like you. File hosts have no control over what users upload.
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